Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am bipolar- am i always going to be mean and negative? i want my old self back! i want to smile more!?

i really hate being this way. it seems like it doesn't get any better. nothing i say seems to be positive-instead of seeing the good in something- i see negative. this is destroying me!and my relationship. instead of just taking my medication(now on abilify) and seeing the doctor for 15 min every so often- noq i am starting to see a therapist. i have only had 1 visit- i go again on Tuesday- we hope we can find the root of this anger and negativity. i hope we can- bc i do not see any light anywhere in this! i would rather be alone than to hang out with friends and fiance. i can think of nice things to say and to do- but i can't get through this wall that i have built up to actually show my care and my love. i can't go into a marriage feeling this way- Sept 23rd is not too far away! does anyone feel any of these things in their life? if so- how do you cope?
i really need to feel that other people can relate- bc i feel so alone in this right now.
Taking your medication and seeing a therapist is good, but one other thing that may help is getting involved with church, prayer and so on. It really has done wonders for my cousin, who was in a bad spot and now my cousin is doing great, the happiest I have ever seen him.
If you are bipolar, then you must know you will swing from happiness to sadness (sometimes so fast and sometimes will take months). this swing is pretty much a matter of brain physiology and chemicals in it. it is only slightly related to your live events, live events can push you from one side to the other.

You need to have logic control on yourself, I mean if you feel bad then you need to know if its really a bad situation or it is just your brain neurotransmitter out of balance.
Hi, im bipolar also and it sounds to me that you are having a low , meaning your having the down side to bipolar i was on abilfy for about 6 months and it seemed to make me worse but all meds work diffrently on different people, maybe you can speak to your doctor about another med. or maybe add a antidepressent, they help , im on effexor , seraqual, and klonipin, but i also have thyriod disease, it took a little while but now i feel fine no more lows or highs i seem normal which at one time i never thought I would . If i were u i would ask my doctor whats going on and ask if he /she feels u need a antidepressant, HANG IN THERE U WILL FEEL BETTER!!! Good luck to you and CONGRATS TO U ON UR FUTURE WEDDING.
Few of the outsiders in life learn to be mean and petty. We all have been shunned so much we are now nice people and very honest in our words and deeds. If you have been with the winner-players and use their ways of thinking you need to stay with them. If you are a true outcast you are welcome to be a friend to the only good people on earth.
No, of course you won't always be 'mean and negative', but I do appreciate that at the moment it feels overwhelming. I'm delighted to know you are starting with therapy as well as medication. The combination of the two seems to be the best way for most people, but of course it may take a bit of time (a) to find out the best medication for you and (b) for therapy to start having an impact. Please don't give up the therapy - it can be quite frustrating for periods of time and you may feel nothing is happening, but this is just a part of the whole process.

You might like to read Kay Redfield Jamison's book "An Unquiet Mind". She is a psychiatrist who is also manic-depressive (her preferred term). I think she really lays out how it is and how good it can be.

All the very best for your forthcoming wedding - I don't think everything will be sorted by then, but with the support of someone who loves you, the years to come can be a wonderful partnership within which you can find how to be truly happy.

I am being emotionally abused, what should I do? who should I contact.?

my mom emotionally abuse's me. Like she neglects me and blames every thing on me, and if something happens then its my fault. I feel like such a horrible child, I dont know what to do. I want to tell the counselor, but all she would do is tell my mom and that would not help AT ALL!!
If your counselor told your mom what you talked about then it would be a breach of confidentiality. The only person a counselor can discuss your case with is a supervisor, who is someone not above them, but a person who has agreed to be a confidente. They cannot discuss your case in any way outside of agreed protocols. They only talk together because the counselor needs to maintain a healthy state of mind. Taking on board others' problems can be very emotional and the supervisor is the outlet.

Has a counselor told your mom things that you wanted to be secret? If so, the counselor could get into serious trouble. There is a code of ethics, pages and pages long to protect all parties involved. The only time a counselor can breach confidentiality is when a person is a danger to themselves or other people.

I think that you should gain verification from your counselor that he or she will not discuss anything with your mom without your permission. Your mom will probably question the counselor, she will want to know how you are progressing, and she will want to know what you are talking about, parents are like that.

You do not go into much detail about the whys and whats of your situations, I understand that is hard to do anyway, but in order to understand where you are with your couselor, bite the bullet and ask, they are not there to judge, and you can say whatever you need to in order to progress to where you need to be.

You can do it, discuss it with your counselor, ask outright does he or she discuss what you talk about with your mom.
Good luck
A counselor islegally obligated tokeep what you share confidential. When you start to see her, she will tell you that she is onlyobligated to disclose info if she feels you are in direct danger or someone else will get hurt. She can discuss some assertiveness and rational-emotive behavior therapy techniques with you that certainly don't require her speaking with your parents.

No, actually. I'm a licensed counselor and I am in no way obligated to report anything to parents except in the aforementioned situations.
If you are really serious, you need to call your local Social Services office, Child protective services.
Well, the first answer is wrong. If you're underage, your parents have a right to know everything. The second answer is right. I hope you're not just mad. Because if you are, you have no idea how bad it can get.
Do tell the school counselor - she won't tell your mother. If what you describe to her is legally consider child abuse, then she is a mandated reporter, which means that she has to contact the appropriate law enforcement and/or social services agency to make sure that you're in a safe living environment. If it's not legally considered abuse, then she's not allowed to tell anyone (legally she could tell your parents if you're still a minor, but she doesn't have to, and would know that it's not a good idea). The only time she'd tell your parents what you say to her is if you are a danger to yourself or others, and your parents need to know to keep you safe. That means that if you tell her that you're planning to hurt yourself or someone else. The other time that she might tell your parents something is if you come to her with a serious mental heath issue that needs professional care outside of school, and that's the only way to make sure that you get that care. But she's definitely NOT going to tell your mom what you say about how your mom treats you unless you and the counselor agree together that it would be helpful for her to talk to your mom.

Some of the previous answers recommended contacting child protective services or the police. I don't think this is the right way to proceed. Emotional abuse is extremely difficult to prove, and for that reason is almost never acted on. Social services or law enforcement agencies would only be able to help if there was documented abuse. Unless they determine that your mother is legally abusive, there's not much they can do to help you, nor would they have the resources to do anything even if they were allowed to. Also, teenage girls often have strained relationships with their mothers, and there's a good chance that what you preceive as emotional abuse is actually just an ordinary bad relationship, which isn't a legal matter. For both of those reasons, it would be better to talk it over with your school counselor first and let her help you figure out how to proceed.
You sound so old to be asking this question. Maybe you should try to make some friends your own age around you and try to be a good kid and do stuff to help your mom and not hurt her? I know that it is hard to grow up, but surely all of us have to do this and once you have your own kids you will look back and see a lot of things differently.
talk to your counseler/she will call the proper authorties/because yr mother will find out regardless of who u speak with/because that is a form of abuse/go to childrens services and talk with someone/do not put this off/it may get worse/do u have other family u could go to /at this time it sounds like u need time away from mom/and she from y/do the above so u do not get hurt/god bless
You need the support and advice of an adult. Someone you feel safe with,If you do not have an adult you feel safe with you need to change counslers to one you feel safe enough to tell the truth to without betraying you. I wish I could help you more but this is the first step to take.
if this is severe you should contact someone of higher authority then a counselor because their all fags and say violence doesn't solve anything.
mabe your mom only does this because she knows u could do beter and your not showing her that u could and then she gets frustrated
you need to really step back and think about what you re saying. are you aware what abuse constitutes. i have a feeling you don't
i am not in your shoes but you sound a bit like a chapped up teen who dose not like what your mom tells yah. maybe you make her feel like shes a horrible mom. trust me a walk in the foster care system is no picnic. make it till your 18 and move or get a job at 16 drop out and make your way through life. i know this is not what you wanted to hear but it usually isn't
counslers are suposta keep everything that u say confidental.
and u need to start standing up to her.
dont let her do that to you.
just talk to ther counsler.

good luck
go to this website: www.ilovemeinc.com. read it, do what it says to do. then you will figure things out. you could even help your mom with her issues with the website.

I am babysitting this little brat he wont listen to me what should i do?

i have tryed to tell his parents and ive tryed every threat you could think of! help me please!
Stop babysitting him. Simple.
Don't babysit him anymore!
duct tape fixes everything
try to get permission from his parents to beat his ***.
five fingers to the face *****!
Get a switch, it'll work wonders. If his parents ask deny it.
tell the child dat they wont get candy if the dont stop doing what ever it is they r doing
when i used to baby site and the kids were missbehaving i would threaten to call their parents.. it usually worked.. or tell them that there parents will be very upset to hear that he is a bad little boy when they are gone..
Sorry,what did you say?
lock him in the closet.
thats what i do =) jkkkkkk
Make him respect YOU!
don't beat him up.
be patient and force your way until he does what u tell him to do. or you can tell his/her parents
REWARD HIM... Tell him that when he behaves, he'll get a sticker, or a piece of candy.. Tell him when you think he's acting great so he becomes proud of himself. In time, he'll learn what to do and what not to do.
Try a bribe , candy perhaps
If it is a little picannini and bounces up and down in his cot, try putting velcro on the ceiling.
you do have a choice-stop babysitting if you don't like the child. love works much better than threats. i wouldn't listen to you either if you called me a brat and threatened me all the time. try to have games to play or fun stuff to do. show love and you will get love in return.especially from a small child. thats all they want and have loads of it to give back.
dont threaten him. only use a threat if you can actually carry it out otherwise he learns that your threats are open and he wont take them seriously. also have a reward system. if he does something you ask him to give him a sweet. everytime he does something correct give him a sweet. or you could give him a sticker if he manages to get 10 stickers then he can have a chocolate bar oe something like that. but rewarding good behaviour works alot better than shouting at bad behaviour!
Use positive reenforcement. Bribes of ice-cream, half an hour stay up time, even a few dollars aught to do the trick. If not sit the kid down and have a little one on one chat with him.
Lock him in his room and slip food under the door until his parents get home,then take a pee on them and quit.LOL
well it seems like he is not scared of his parents so threathening to call them wouldnt work. Personally, I would pick him up and put him in his bed. I would tell him that if he didnt stop he would be put in his bedroom. or, my friends mom used to put her son in time out in the bathroom so he had no toys to play with. good luck, and dont babysit for them anymore unless they are givin you some major money!
listen just sit the kid down and tell him/or her if you dont listen to me and then say you will take away a favorite toy or tell someone who tells the little kid what to do after that just keep the kid in check.
smack him. lol j/k.. umm did you try the naughty corner. put him in a quiet corner in the house and tell him to sit there for 5-10 min. if he doesnt listen take one toy he likes away. good luck.. hope you find a way to help...
He isn't listening probably because you call him a"Brat" and threaten him. Sounds like your not good with kids, maybe a different job would be a good idea!
You don't have to baby-sit anymore. But if you want to continue just bribe him like tell him if you want candy you'll have to behave. It worked for me.
try to entertain him with long activities; such as action movies, video games. let him play on the computer, or put him in timeout. you need to let him know you are the authority. try giving him incentives to be good..such as if he listens give him a cookie, or sticker (depending on age) hope this helps...10 points please?!
It depends on how old he is and what he is doing. Send him to his room for a time-out if he is doing something that isn't allowed. Take him outside and play with him if he just has a lot of energy or play a game with him. Play a movie he likes and let him watch it. If you don't feel you can handle this, call his parents and tell them they need to come home. Don't babysit him anymore because you aren't mature enough yet.
Just say you`re not interested in babysitting for them anymore...
As much as it may piss you off, remember this sucky phrase parents always tell their kids which is indirectly aimed at something more for the babysitters... "It's your castle princess."

So yes, it's not your castle so don't care what the brat does.
kick his lil *** lol jk jk
take away something he loves and see if he listens
and it all kinda depends on how old he is
Depends on his age. Best thing to do is mostly to start listening to him. Give him attention, when he behave positive. You have to invest a lot of time an interest in a young child to win its trust
If you plan to continue sitting this or any other child, I would suggest taking a sitting class. There are some excellent ones offered ay many YMCA's and YWCA's. If you don't have one of them available, the may be some other group that offers the class.

Even the youngerst children can recognise an empty threat when they hear one. Similarly, when your voice goes up in pitch, they can sense your frustration. You cannot control anyone else when you are struggling to control yourself. Use whatever tricks you know to keep yourself calm and in control.

You are not a trainer or a parent, and it is not within the scope of your role or within your ability to teach this child anything new. You have to use the responses he already knows, and you can only learn these from the mother. Instead of complaining about his behavior, ask very pointed questions that begin, "How do you get him to..." or "How do you stop him from..." Find out what his usual schdules and routines are and follow them as closely as you can.

I am at the end of my little rope and I am swinging back and forth about this?

I am trying to help a mentally ill loved one who is not willing to get help...things are escalating, but not in an emergency status.

How do I keep going.I can't turn away.
Is it time to intervene? Can you talk to a mental health professional in your area and ask questions about interventions, forced admissions, etc. Is your loved one hurting themselves or other people? Who is at risk? That may determine how much the authorities will intervene.

Apart from that, being supportive is your only option. It is up to the individual to seek help and take action. If you have tried talking to them, and they understand how their behaviour is hurting you and others that care for them, then there's not much else you can do. Ultimately we are only responsible for ourselves.

Make sure, too, that you're taking care of yourself in this stressful time. Take time out, pray, walk, exercise, or do whatever relaxes you and recharges your batteries.
you can't do it alone, and don't take the burden all alone either. I'm sure you have other relatives you can seek help with if it's really an important life or death situation. If not, there's alot of help sites and or your can go to the hospital and they can refer you to people who help with mental illnesses. They are professional and would be able to help I'm sure.
Is there someone else you can get involved too, family member, a therapist?
If things aren't emergency status yet, just do the best you can for the moment. But if you think for one second there may be a problem, it's imperative you get help for him/her. Their life is the most important thing at stake.
just to be their. see if the person . their is help lines you can call for help. tell the person that you do care very much and you want to help them.
You better get some help,are that loved one will take you right down that hole with you.Be-live me,Go talk to a priest ,preacher are how about the parents,are someone you trust,but,don't wait any longer,go to-marrow ?
You can call the police and get a court order from a judge if the person is deemed a danger to themselves or someone else. Family members often help with this because they have the evidence. Don't give up- try contacting your local chapter of NAMI for support!
I have dealt with mental health issues personally and professionally.

If I see another in an evolving crisis, I encourage them to get help, in a way that is empowering.

For example, I start off with admitting that all of us have life stresses, and it is normal to not be able to deal with everything all the time that life throws at us.

Then I share experiences where I or someone I know had a difficult time dealing with some things in their lives.

After that I encourage them to talk about their feelings in an open way, without shame or guilt.

At a certain point I stress the need for someone who is not involved intimately as a friend or family member to help them sort through their feelings and develop an empowering way to deal with stress. I note that a person as a mental health professional can often give insight or objectivity in a validating way, without taking sides but still being supportive, if they are worth their salt.

Hopefully this helps some. Good luck!
Does this person have any physical ailments--any excuse to see a medical doctor. Have the medical doctor suggest an answer.
There should be a mental orginization in your area. If you do not know of any, try calling the Department of Human Services in your area. They might suggest something. There comes a point for the mentally ill that they are not able to make any decisions and could/should be made by others, preferrably a professional.
Try to do something before it gets to an emergency state.
Good luck.
I seem to remember coming across a solution where someone went to a different doctor, pretending to have the same symptoms, and crushed the medication in a mortar %26 pestle, or dissolved it in warm water, and added it to their food. Fortunately, you are in a different country: I have no idea of the local laws, and it is just a memory. See stress at http://www.ezy-build.net. (.net.nz/~shaneris) on page 7, and practise one of the 5 relaxation techniques on page 2, daily.

I am at a loss. Any near Orlando Fl?

I am all alone here. My parents and other relatives are in NC. most of the people here speak spanish. My husband works alot sometime from 11 to 11. I am alone most of the time. I have always fought depression and getting worse, I am in treatment. I am so sad.so lost....I don't know what to do. I don't drive, due to serious illness. I have be honest to someone even if its a stranger, I have been medically sleeping when it gets to bad. Like right now.
You are not alone...we are all here for you. You are more than your body. Share with us, who you are.

Hug Hug
Im in Ocala why dont you check yourself into an inpatient rehab somewhere and maybe they can help you

I am an Indian male, now 22 years of age. I was molested once by my female cousin who was 4 years older to me?

I was 9-10 years old she was 14 years old I was in a boys school. It happened once for sure maybe 1 more time not sure.. i had gone to stay at my cousin's place for the summer vacation and was sleeping in her room in the same bed.. she told me to take off all my clothes and held my penis and shook it.. she also made me touch her breasts.. she was fantasising or something.. another time another female cousin tried to play husband and wife games although nothing happened... all these memories were forgotten n I didn't really recollect them until I was much older.. later I joined a co-ed 11th and 12th n now am in a co-ed engineering college.. Im very scared and uncomfortable in the company of women.. if a girl is walking in front of me i get scared that she might think that iam following her. when girls who are just friends, put arm around me for a foto or jus casually I cringe n freak..I want to behave normally n hav proper relationship with girls.. I don want to feel this way:( plz help
Have you gone for any sort of counselling?
This is serious stuff.

Have you ever considered confronting your cousin
Do your parents have any idea about this?
You can email me if you wish.

I am a Student RN
Go to the counselor or your local Mental Health Organization and ask for some assistance to seek temporary therapy. You could be suffering effects of PTSD. It's not uncommon. Talk therapy is very helpful in this type of situation.
Instead of being scared, be happy and enjoy.
There is a school of thought/psychology that helps people identify automatic thoughts (assumptions you are making that may or may not be based on past experiences, but none the less interfere with your everyday life and relationships).

I am not a trained counselor or psychologist but I think that you would benefit from speaking to someone trained in the area of cognitive behaviour psychology. This may help with the automatic thought of thinking that the girl "might think that I am following her". It may also help you associate the touching of arms for photos with the current situational context-as a gesture of friendship - rather than the historical context of abuse. hope this helps
There is help for you. It is just a matter of you reaching out. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for us to reach back, through ByeDr.coms. Seek out a counselor, perhaps at school. Also, reading the following on-line articles may help more than you're apt to think:

Comfort for Those With a "Stricken Spirit"
- "Repressed Memories" - Did It Really Happen?

Coping With Post-traumatic Stress

Read The Bible Online
your perfectly normal.. except for ur unusual thinking..
things happen at times.. and sumtimes create bad memories.. wht ur feelin right now iz a perfectly normal behavious and u have nothing to worry bout.. jus make urself comfortable and try not to think of wht has happened to u.. get urself involved wid frenz includin gals..

I am an Alcoholic?

I am 34 male and an alcoholic. I`ve kown I`ve been one since I was 18. I`ve been on camprol %26 anti abuse. It is a very hard disease for me to get off.

I think I`m am loosing some friends but its because they are starting to have kids and have been in a long term relationship I think or I don`t ring them.
Thanks for the background info. Now give us your question and we will be good to go.
You're NOT an alcoholic.
yes, fix it.
So what is your ?
This isn't even a question. If you feel like spilling your guts, try a support group.
and your question is?
You need to go to AA and get your life together. I am a drug addict, but I have really turned my life around thanks to support groups like AA and NA. I am 30.
You actually should ask a question here instead of make a statement.
Ok, you know the bad news about alcoholism. No lecture. Try the Smart Recovery program, you can find them on the web. It is a good approach to facing and dealing with your problem.
Good luck and take care.
Okay, first of all alchoholism isn't a disease. I'd consider alchoholism a sort of condition rather than a disease. Look up more support groups that you haven't tried yet, or try to ween yourself off of your addiction. This is often what smokers do when they want to quit (other than just going cold turkey, which I would also recommend).

Good luck!
First you ask if you are an alcoholic then then you say you are one. I think that if you say that you are then you probably are.
yes if thats what you want to call yourself ,only you can change who you are and what you do in life,.
in order for other people to notice you have changed you have to do things that are not common to you and what you usually do.
and stoping something that has no value to your life is one way ,. think positive about becoming someone who is not addicted to alcohol and be some who is a good example of what it is to recover from something that is not good.
Always call a friend just keep in touch
Good luck, by staying sober all things are possible...keep drinking and nothing will work out...maybe you should check out AA. That way you wouldn't be alone in trying to stay sober.
Bobby I'll be praying for you. The first step is that you admitted it. My husband came from an alcoholic family and he's 69 and it has effected him all of his life. His Dad was not only a drunkard, but very abusive to his family. Please call AA and let them help you. I'm sure your friends will stand behind you and their kids will have an Uncle Bobby that they can be proud of. Hang in there.
If you think you are an alcoholic, then you probably are. Good for you in that you can at least admit that you have a problem. Now, you need to get on the road to recovery. If the medications your on aren't working, tell your dr and try soemthing else. Get into therapy if you have to. Do whatever it takes. Most alcoholics do eventually lose their friends because people can only take so much and can only do so much for others. If they're starting to have kids, then they don't want their kids around that environment. They don't want their kids to think that's cool, etc.
I understand it is a very hard disease to "get off". However, you are still in the addictive cycle and "addictive thinking" Here's why I say that.

You blame loosing friends on them having kids and having long term relationship .. so you "don't ring them". This is classic addictive thinking. I'm gonna lay it on straight to you. Please don't take offense ... this is a reality check for you.

You are likely loosing friends because you are an active alcoholic.That means your behavior is likely unacceptable around their spouses and kids. Many people are "single" and have maintained connections with friends who have married and their children. I'm godfather to many friends children and a regular visitor to their home.

You don't ring them up because that would cut into your drinking time. You "rationalize" something like "Oh, they don't want to talk with me." OR "They didn't call me, so screw them, I won't call until they do." You see the object is you don't give a sh*t about them. You care about your booze and your drinking buddies.

So instead of screwing around on ByeDr.com get your drunk, blaming butt into treatment, get it to an AA meeting, get it finding a sponsor, and get it OUT of sitting in self-pity, denial, and rationalization.

On the UP side ... you admit you have a problem ... you are 90% there when you adimit a Problem ... now do the other 10% an d DO the Solution.
It may sound cliche but have you tried prayer? I say this because of my eperience with depression. The doctors put me on pills and I took them for a while but they didnt work so after some time I started praying and seeking a closer relationship with God. If you dont already attend one try finding a church. If your not realy into the religion label go for a non-denominational church. Im not going to say I was cured the next day but it helped. Throughout the year I gradually improved and was able to do all the things I love to do before such as being with my friends. Sometimes I still get down but now I just pray and the sadness fades. So I know its not exactly the same problem but im confident that this would help. Anyways I hope things get better for you. God Bless.
Congratulations. I believe you have achieved step one. But you are right, you will lose friends, and continue to have fewer friends if you don't conquer the alcoholism, disease or not. You will hurt the people who love you and you will hurt yourself by damaging your health.

How To Find An A.A. Meeting
Alcoholics Anonymous is worldwide with A.A. meetings in almost every community. You can find times and places of local A.A. meetings or events by contacting a nearby central office, intergroup or answering service of U.S. and Canada.


Only you can determine for certain whether or not you are an alcoholic...But, having to make an educated guess...I would say you are...I know how you feel...I too, am a recovering alcoholic %26 addict.Life is soooo tough dealing w/this affliction...Sometimes it's a battle every day to stay clean %26 sober...Go to AA--they will help, and support you!! Whatever you do..DON'T GIVE UP!!!
Check into a rehab. You can turn your life around, but it doesn't mean that it is going to be easy. I do have to admit though, you are taking a step forward by actually admitting that you are an alcoholic. AA is a good program. Just please try to get help before you decide to drink and drive and kill someone or get an unwanted DUI. Good Luck...
My advice is to stop complaining and writing on here about it...and DO SOMETHING!! Get help, get ACTIVE, sitting on the computer won't help you stay sober!
it is a very good thing that you realize that you do have a problem, that is a very big start toward your first step of helping yourself.I know what you are going thru honestly, I lived with an alcoholic for 7 years, I tried very hard to change him because he really meant a lot to me but then there were a lot of abuse and a lot of times he was so drunk he did not know the extent of the abuse,verbal, emotional,physical. my advise to you friend is first of all you admitted that you have a drinking problem and that you are an alcoholic,next is what are you going to do about it? are you going to let alcohol take full control over your body-because right know you are letting it have full control of you.if you do not get some help now you may end up with scherosis of the liver and that is one of the worst things to see someone go thru,it is very heartbreaking,and sad,my husbands brother passed away from it he was a major alcoholic, beer and cold pizza for breakfast,then in the afternoon he would have a snack and wash it down with a straight shot or two of vodka, his favorite drinks were Cobra a cheap alcoholic beverage here in the U.S.A.,and Vodka sometimes chased down with a small glass of orange juice or he may mix it.Alcohol was his life and it took his life,he suffered with scherosis of the liver and was extremely sick and broke out with sores all over his skin,I cried until there were no more tears left to cry,there was nothing that could of been done, he went to AAA meetings and he even quit for a very short while,but he always went back to the bottle.Please get some help! I know that you said that you have tried different things,try going into a mental hospital if that's what it takes,get control of your life back do not let it kill you.I'm sure that you have dreams and goals in life that you would like to full-fill, and maybe you would like to have a family of your own but first you have to gain control of your life and build your life up slowly-find some hobbies that you enjoy that does not consist of drinking,go to a movie,relieve some stress, take a few deep breaths my friend and feel the breath of life while you still can.put your heart into quitting,dont back down sure it's hard and you get frustrated and you might even slip up once,but dont let it take you down,take a good look around you there are good reasons in your life to make this happen I'm sure,like family and friends, they may be bitter toward you and you may be bitter toward them but that's probably because you ache for the freedom from your addiction dont lose your whole life to alcohol, yes it is a disease and a very bad one that will consume your life quickly and tradgically dont let it happen to you my friend wake up and take a new hard look at your life and call your local mental health center tell them that you are an alcoholic and you want help because you are determined to fight this disease and win. GOOD-LUCK my friend.
AA will help you. I started going to meetings and working the steps almost 9 years ago and have not had a drink since. If you've tried AA and been unsuccessful, try it again. As we say, it works if you work it . . . but sometimes you can't work it until you are ready.

Good luck.

I am always unhappy how can i be happy cause there is always something to piss me off!?

look around you and see all the pain and suffering we are enduring. be thankful you wake up each morning. as the saying goes, seize the day!
Something always 'pisses' you off? I am assuming everything makes you angry? Perhaps you should look into anger management.
You will always find something to piss you off if you look for it. Try looking for the good in things and the good in life and if you can't find it, make it happen!
I know the feeling. You have to be determined to not let it piss you off and fix the problem. Then the happy.
well thank ur lucky stars. and try walking to get off the energy.
I understand how this goes. sometimes though, this can be a sign of depression. Having every little thing set you off and not being able to be happy. Sometimes a sedative helps take the edge off. You might want to talk to you doctor about this . I do not know if you have always been like this or it is something new.
However, It is not a fun experience to be easily agitated. good luck to you.

I am always feeling tried .. even though I get a full nights I feel sleepy and tried all day long why is that?

I went through this about a year ago.
I went to the doctor and she sent me for a sleep test. They hook you up to a bunch of wires and monitor your breathing and brain waves while you sleep.
It isn't necessarily sleep apnea. In my case, I have a deviated septum that causes a decrease in oxygen. So what happens is my brain, instead of resting too, stays on guard during the night.
I have a breathing aid for sleeping now so now when I go to sleep I am actually sleeping fully.
There are other things as well that could be causing your problem too, iron deficiency is one of them.
Go to your doctor, have some tests done, and hopefully it won't be long before you can get some quality sleep.
If you're getting 8 hours of sleep a night and are still sleepy all day, you may have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes you to stop breathing in the middle of the night, and results in a much poorer sleep. To prevent sleep apnea, you should lose weight.
Sleeping diease. When you snore loud it starts with an N.
Not enough exercise
There might be more than just not getting enough sleep, perhaps it is something physical. I suggest getting medical attention if this keeps up for another month. For now, maybe cut down on the sleep intake. Adults are supposed to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night. While it is nice to get 10 hours, perhaps that is creating this feeling of tiredness. Also, try to exercise more. This may seem contradictory, because when you work out, you're working out your body, but perhaps this is a way for your body to tell you that you need more energy. Since exercise gives you endorphins, this just may be the solution to your tired state!! Good luck on waking up!!
It might be the diet you are on. If you only eat junk-food, than you Will have no energy for the day. Try eating more protein, fruits, veggies, and (good) carbohydrates.
I empathise - I have the same problem.

In my case, it's chronic fatigue, and I've had it since coming down with glandular fever some years ago.

In your case, it could be a number of things. You should have a full set of blood tests, and as part of these, get your thyroid checked; underactive thyroid can cause fatigue. Also get your iron level looked at; again, if low, can make you tired. But don't just start taking an iron supplement, get the results of the blood test first.

It may be that your diet is lacking in some vitamin or mineral, so take a multi vit/min pill, though this may take some time to improve things.

Try and eat more healthily; plenty of organic fruit and veg, and oily fish: tuna, wild salmon, mackerel.

You should also get a blood test for glandular fever, just in case!

If all these tests are clear, you could try going to a homeopath or herbalist, and this may well help you.

If all else fails, then some anti depressants, such as Prozac, can definitely help improve your energy level, so ask your doctor about this, but only if all the blood tests are clear.
There could be many conditions affecting you, from anemia to sleep apnea disturbances.If you are truly having difficulties with this,I would see your MD,and have a exam and some blood work done to rule out many potential disorders.Many times it's something easily corrected,and sometimes more serious underlying problems can be detected. Take care. SW RNP
if your under weight it can make you tierd.
I take folic acid because i have no energy at all and even when i get alot of sleep im still tierd.
You should really talk to a doctor about it.
You could have a breathing disorder or sleep apnea. You need to see your doctor.
I go through same thing me its roommate stress diet and lack of exercise and psych meds .and lack of vitamins and protein and not keeping busy and active enough sometimes can me thryoid diabeits sleep disroder psych issues and stressors worries
You are physically weak. Get some vitamin capsules by the advice of a Doctor...

I am always angry at people because they call me duck (i am small)what shall i do?!?

what shall i do about my anger?!
You have two choices one tell them that it makes you mad or two play along with them and most of the time it will get old and they will stop. Next time just Quack at them or if there is a water puddle splash them and say quack quack
Start nibbling at there toes.
Express yourself in other words HIT THEM!
Observe what you eat. A lot of caffein intake boosting your anger. Alot of fries and meat, iritate your emotion, onion and garlic create a stimulant for iritation. Or go to yoga and pilates classes.
Also, next time, think this way: i am not a duck. So, if people start to call you this way, dont give them a damn attention. so they feel like they talk to a wall.
But yoga and good diet will change your inner energy, use them as your other power
Remember: ANGER Eats Up It's Own Container!!

Sticks and stones may break my bones but, names will never hurt me!
Your probably to young to remember that saying but, it's good advice, heed it!
Focus instead on the positive things that people say about you.

I am afriad of "little people" Am I crazy?

any time on tv or public encouter I see a little person I totaly freak out-almost like an anxiety attack! This is rude and insane-my family says I am going to hell. What is wrong wiht me?

I am too!! And I know that its not our faults. My friends always make fun of me and say i have no soul. And when i see them on tv or mostly in person i have to leave that very moment and i totally flip out!!! I know how you feel, people are going to say you are rude but you cannot help what you are afraid of. Some things just scare you and thats the way its going to be

wow i totally thought i was the only one
Well u not crazy.... u CRAZY! lol.. u just kinda weird
you've been around "normal" people too long.. branch out and mature a bit.. they'll need to be getting used too.. and it is very childish of you to behave like this.. take deep breaths and smile just like you would to every other passerby..
no u just have a scared felling around them. Sometimes i am scared of mentally challenged people.
Do you mean midgets? I guess you have a reason to be afraid because they're different, but realise that they only look different and are the same on the inside. If you're just afraid of short people, realise that not everyone is tall.
I don't know why you are afraid. You need to get over your fear of little people.
They are freaky...the little people, don't feel bad it's their fault for being so damn small...lol
I have a phobia against leprachauns, and no im not joking. little people freak me out big time. I get really scared of them. so i guess its normal. nothing is wrong with you. dont worry.i feel the same way.
well wat u mean ur scared there going to attack u like a monkey or sumthin?
but ya ur crazy =]
maybe u should meet one in real life, if u saw they are people just like you despite being "little" u might overcome it =)
i don't think you're crazy; i think it's a valid fear. it may be offensive to some people, but as long as you don't make a big stink i don't see what the problem is. you're not going to go to hell for being legitimately afraid of something. usually fears begin when you're a child. something in your subconscious tells you 'this is bad' or 'this is scary'. the same goes for me. i'm scared to death of trains. i freak out when i see them or hear them. i don't know what specifically caused the fear but i am legitimately afraid of them, and people just have to deal with it.

but sweetie, you're definitely not insane.

best of luck.
Why do little people freak you out? They are just smaller than we are. I think it is rude to freak out because they were born with a medical condition and they don't need other people making fun of them or treating them like they are the plague.

They are human too. Maybe do some research and learn about their condition and you won't be freaked out.
well you see little people are people too except there small and they like to climb inside part of our body so its ok to be scared , sometimes when i see a little person i cover my ears and mouth because i dont wnt them to climb in there and god knows what if one got inside you now what that would be scarry
You said it. You're rude and insane.

Your name suits you perfectly.

Watch out or Matt Roloff is going to come after you!

no / u r not crazy / we each have our own fears / u need to seek counseling /u will not go to hell /where people get ideas like that /don't know / it is a type of phobia / but i do not know the name/ please seek help / good luck
No. I don't think you're crazy, but yes it is kind of rude. Maybe you should try talking to some people about it, or maybe try making friends with someone that's not EXACTLY a little person but close, then after that take it a step farther.

I am afraid of death and I am scared my fear is affecting my health. Good advice appreciated!?

The other night I started thinking about death and how all of us have to die someday. I am really scared of dying. I got so upset I couldn't sleep the whole night. Ever since then I can't stop thinking about it and I keep having this feeling that something bad is going to happen. I am scared something is going to happen to me or my mom or my sister. I have felt like there is something stuck in my throat, like a lump or something. I have talked with my Mom and she told me I shouldn't worry about it. Just try not to think of bad things, think about happy things. And that when we die we will be reunited with my grandparents in Heaven. I have never been a very religious person before. I've even questioned whether there is a God. I do think I believe in God and Heaven and I know I want to believe. I just can't get rid of this constant anxiety. I am not sure if there is some physically or mentally wrong with me. I have tried talking about it and praying but nothing has helped.
Pray... just pray that God will keep you safe. Pray for good thoughts.
I am afraid of death too, the thought freaks me out like no other, but we all do have to die someday... but when it is antagonizing me, I pray that God will keep me safe and take away any unpure and desturbing thoughts.
i had the same feelings many years ago but, this has to happen to all of us not just you. when you have kids, they will take your place on earth. the way i see death, it is a part of life and when your time comes, you will welcome it hopefully at the age where you have lived a full life.
You have the same symptoms that I had about a year ago. I worried about death and something happening to a loved one so much that I eventually went to a doctor because no matter what I did these feelings only got worse! The doctor told me I had anxienty and panic attacks and put me on a medicine called Lexapril which has dramatically changed my life all of my anxiety is gone with no side effects from the medicine. So please if there's feelings don't go away in a couple of days just go and talk to a doctor don't waste a year like I did full of worry! Good Luck!
try kabbalah.com
It is not death that is paralyzing you, but the fear of death.

Why does death seem so fearful to you? Remember that it is not the end of you. Death is simply a transition to a next stage of awareness.

You may find the following website helpful which addresses many of the doubts you have:

It sounds to me that it might be panic attacks, I have them all the time, and they are crippling to my life at times. The only advice that i can give is to try to take your mind off things by maybe watching a movie or listen to music, that helps me, I to get the lump feeling in my throat as well , no Dr. has ever been able to tell me anything except that anxiety can make swallowing harder, and that's prolly what it is. I think religion is a good idea, i would consider reading the bible more, i find it surprising relaxing. If all else fails, talk your family doctor, he may prescribe you medication, but be careful, its a long road, and most pills are now addictive, and can be hard to ween your self off, so think really hard about if it is worth it, and hopefully you can get this all behind you. Best of Luck to you.
well this may sound stupid %26 simple but ya gotta do something 2 keep ur mind off it like work or volunteer especially around elderly people- some of them have such great %26 interesting stories, u'd b surprised they just want someone 2 listen... u seem like u really miss ur grandparents but things will get betta, like they say, " it's always darkest b4 the dawn" %26 don't worry about being religious u can have ur own personal spiritual relationship with who or what u believe is the higher power/creator cuz some of those so-called religious folks r da biggest hypocrites! just b the best u can b ask 4 help when u need it %26 help others when u can! it's gonna b alright ;-)
This happens to everyone of us at some point or other in our lives. Your fear comes from the knowledge that you have no control over death! It could come at anytime to anyone! You need to accept this, not worry about things that you have no control over and concentrate on the things in your life that you can control. I know it is not easy at first to do this, but as time goes on you will learn to accept this reality of life!! there is nothing mentally wrong with you it is completely normal to have a healthy fear of death, just don't let that fear consume you. Don't listen to the people that tell you to get on drugs. Drugs will not help you to come to terms with this, only to cover up your feelings!! You can deal with this I know, millions of us have! Good luck.
Your feelings are totally normal. Everyone has fears and death is the ultimate unknown. You are not alone.

The most important thing for you to do right now is lower your anxiety levels. My favorite way to do that is to turn off the phone, shut the door, turn down the lights and lay down on the floor or the bed. You can play soft music and light a candle if you want. The goal is to slow your breath. Make sure your feet are warm, it's really hard to relax with cold feet!

Just concentrate on your breath. As anxiety levels come down, it's normal for upsetting thoughts to continue to play in your mind, you can just notice them and let them go. Your job is to keep breathing. That's what being alive is all about, right?

Most people ask the big questions about life and death at some point. It is true that everyone dies, but you have a long long time to enjoy that life. Personally, I like to go outside on clear night and look at the stars to remind me of where everything came from and how everything is related. Death is a mystery, absolutely. But so is life. And if you believe in Heaven, that's awesome, but I know that worrying about things out of your control can turn your life into Hell, so it's best to focus on what you CAN do. Just keep breathing. I also recommend finding a counselor or psychiatrist to talk to, it can be super helpful. Good luck.
Death is part of life. It's okay to be afraid, because a survival instinct is in all of us. Have you ever heard about this tactic?. It's called the negative affirmation technique, which means that you say it over and over whatever it is you are afraid of until you are not afraid of it anymore... it can also be used in other areas. For example: someone told you that you are so ugly. you look at yourself in the mirror and you say: Baah! Disgusting! You are so darn ugly... I can't stand looking at you!". you say it until hopefully it clicks in your head... and you go: "Wait a minute- that isn't true... I am not so bad looking at all... in fact I am quite a looker!". Try and use this technique: look at your self in the mirror and say... " I am alive, but I'm dead... I am a Zombie... a Zombie- a walking dead person, because I allow death to kill my soul before I am actually really dead. and I really like this... it's very cool- I love being a Zombie... I'm afraid of death- but I behave like I'm already dead... I am also very smart. life is good... I rather live like I'm already dead- than to make the best of my short time here on earth... my precious time here is too precious to be wasted on contributing to humanity... my life is perfect!"
We all have a fear of death, but when the fear starts to interfere with your life, we have to look at other causes that can cause irrational fears.

This can come about when we suffer from anxiety attacks and we are trying to change the thoughts that APPEAR to cause these attacks, yet nothing seem to change. No amount of thinking seems to wash away the fear.

This is because we are producing too much adrenaline. This hormones is the fight/flight hormones that helps us to get ready for strenuous action, when faced with danger. However in anxiety attacks there are no real external dangers in the environment. Adrenaline in this case is produced NOT because of an external threat, but rather of a biological reaction from within.

When the brain is starved of sugar it will trigger the release of stress hormones - such as adrenaline - in order to increase blood sugar levels so as to feed the brain.

Brain starvation is usually associated with insulin resistance that stops the entry of glucose into cells. This usually leads to diabetes type II, but in the prediabetic stage, blood sugar levels tend to go up an down, triggering stress hormones. In the absence of a real danger in the environment, the mind will invent an object of fear. It just happened to be the case that you were thinking of death, and now this has been firmly associated with your hormonally induced experience of fear of death. This is how "obsessions" occur, because adrenaline is also a focusing hormone forcing you to focus on anything at the expense of other events.

The non-drug treatment of anxiety attacks is going on a hypoglycemic diet as a first step in treatment under the supervision of a Nutritional Doctor or a Clinical Nutritionist.

Try the hypoglycemic diet and if this does not help see a Nutritional Doctor.
Should You Be Afraid of Death? :
- What Is Your View of Death?
- A Closer Look at Some Myths About Death

What Has Happened to Hellfire?
- What Really Is Hell?

What happens at death? http://watchtower.org/e/20010715/article...

The unknown is often more fear-inspiring than the actual facts. This holds true regarding the subject of death. Educate yourself about what it really is. Don't believe the myths.

"Make Sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine." --1 Th 5:21
This might be helpful
I am also afraid of death but I am coping now. Everyone has to die. I had the same worries as you and I can't sleep and when my parents are off to work, I worry about them being in a car accident and all. When I started worrying, It was really bad, I was always unhappy. Then I started reading the bible and watching EWTN all the time for some help in death. I know a lot but I didn't really have strong faith in it, I justt believed but I had some doubts. This is my first time answering a question so I'm gonna tell you all I know. I found out that anyone that believes (do you believe in jesus?) will have eternal life. Does your family believe? If they do, you have nothing to be worried about. I don't actually fear death, I fear a painful death. You should start watching EWTN too. They have great topics that helped me alot. So many people EVEN like death better than life. That is because they know that when they die, They go to paradise and be happy forever and you get to be with your deceased relatives and see God! See? Nothing to worry about. If you feel this isn't great advice, (cause I think it isn't) This helped me alot too :: www.near-death.com This website tells you alot on what happens when you die and people who experienced near death events, It can give you an idea on what'll happen to you after you die. okay, I hope you don't worry, see ya
There is nothing wrong with you! You do not have some horrible physical or mental problem that is causing you to have the fear of leaving this world. You might answer a few questions to identify the root of the fear. What exactly are you afraid of? Do you have unsettled feelings for someone? Are you violating your conscience in your walk of life? You mentioned God, have you sought Him out? Have you made every effort to find the truth regarding what God has said about life and life after death? Why not collect the facts on the matter? What do you have to lose? What a great way to use the energy that is being consumed by needless anxiety! Even though this is an fast - food society some of the answers will not come as fast as your hamburger and fries. The old cliche "use your time wisely" ...it true. It allows you to direct your life in a fulfilling manner and will certainly calm the fear of death. Worked for me! I found the Lord and follow His direction. Peace be with you in answering the above questions!

I am addicted to YA. How can I stop spending so much time here?

Well! I would not worry about it, because this addiction is harmless, I'd rather see u addicted to YA instead of doing, other bad stuff out there.
There is no cure. It's a debilitating and incurable addiction like crack or chocolate.

I am a person who has a problem with changing bad habits how do you think I can change that?

smoking, ending bad relationships,...etc
maybe you are not trying hard enough. changing is very hard . you just have to keep trying snd keep asking. as far as breaking off bad relationships. Maybe your just a kind person. way better than to just blow them off...I THINK.

I am a mother of 4 children, and I have been through alot over the last few years,?

Lately I have been very depressed to the point I lost my job and interest in everything, I really need to go to the hospital but I am afraid. What will they do there to me?
They will do nothing that you do not give them permission for if you are a voluntary patient. They will try to help you.

You only go inpatient if you are a danger to yourselves or others or there are extenuating circumstances such as pregnancy or severe psychosis and confusion. If this is the case, get someone to watch your kids and go to the ER or call and make an appointment at the hospital access center if they have one. When you go, you will be evaluated and most likely given medication and psychotherapy. If your depression is very severe and you do not respond your psychiatrist may discuss ECT. Probably your stay will be short and you will be discharged with appointments made for an outpatient psychiatrist and psychotherapist. A social worker from the hospital may make referrals to other services as needed.

An alternative is a partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient treatment. In these programs you spend the day or part of the day, 2-5 days a week, in the hospital but are home with your children in the evening and nights. This has worked well for me since I could be home when they came home from school. You are usually allowed to remain in this type of hospital program longer, from two weeks to a year. When you are discharged, as with inpatient, you will receive referrals for outpatient treatment and help.

If you think you need to go, call your hospital's access center. They usually make appointments for intake to partial hospital Monday through Friday. It can take a few days to get an appointment. Don't be discouraged. Keep your appointment. Just from the little you have said in your question, I am pretty sure that you meet the admission criteria.

Best of Luck. Take care of yourself. Hug your children.
nothing but give u something that doesn't work. You should Pray and seek God
well then don't go to the hospital do to a counselor
Evaluate how you are feeling and refer you to therapist. They may prescribe antidepressants.
before you seek help at the hospital, which may offer good care for your needs, check with your local mental health care facility or your medical doctor for helps available . dependent upon your age, could be any number of factors . the first most important step is that you realize that you need some help
I have had to be hospitiliazed for depression and it usuall is not just one thing. Because people like us use other people places and hings to make us happy.. Once I learned that I have a chemical inblance I was able accept help
Have you visited the Dr. about this and has he given you some antidepressant/anxiety meds? I would be sure to do this first. There are meds that can really help, I understand.
If you have someone to watch the kids or could find someone the hospital might be good. The er won't do anything but tell you to see your Dr.
That's a hard road you're walking, and it's great that you want to get help. If you go into a hospital, they will give you antidepressants, maybe Paxil or Effexor, or something similar. Those drugs don't have many side effects, not like older antidepressants. They will also send you to group activities, classes to help you to learn to cope better. Your doctor will talk to you most days, and help you get through your troubles. The nurses are great to talk to, as well. I hope you go for it. Life doesn't have to suck.
If you feel that you are a danger to yourself or your children then go to the hospital as soon as possible. If you need to see someone call a therapist and leave a message stating it is urgent if they can't see you right away they will surely give you a referral. If you have a family doc you can start with them for help.
take it to god and pray
If you are that depressed, you need to get there as soon as possible. I have lost two friends to depression over the years. PLEASE go get help. If not to the hospital, at least to a good therapist. Don't put off reaching out, the sooner you do, the sooner you can start to feel better.
Here is a link that I find to be very comprehensive about therapies and choices , (and other things):

and here is a toll free hotline that you can call anytime. They can answer your questions and might be able to tell you what treatment options are in your area:

I'll be sending you positive energy.. I pray that you will be brave and strong enough to give yourself the gift of wellness. Blessings- dd
Your children deserve to have their mother be happy and healthy. You should do whatever it takes to get better.

Here is a good site for you to check out. It has a lot of really good info on depression and treatment of.

If you have a general or family doctor (better yet, your GYN), contact him or her. Expalin your symptoms and that you believe you need help with this.
Depression is very common; it happens to all levels of society. Doctors are more informed now and most will treat you appropriately with antidepressant, and recommend a therapist if you ask for one.
Most people are not put in hospital! That is now reserved for people who have shown signs of being a danger to themselves or others, or who are addicted to a dangerous drug.
Ask for a therapist; it's amazing how much you can find out and improve about yourself with some caring, listening person who asks the right questions to make you think.

If you have no private insurance, go to your county Mental Health clinic and see someone there.

Good luck!
Carrie if you need to go to the hospital it will be alright. The doctor will talk to you and he/she and the staff are there to help you feel better. Often the stay is very short and you will be given medication that is appropriate for you. They will just talk to you give you counseling and medicine and then you will go home and go to follow up appointments. I suffered for years with depression when I didn't need to. I take Celexa and now I once again feel like playing my guitar and enjoying my life. You will be fine, I promise.

I am a mess?

I am a 17.y.o boy at school
-in my final year i've lost my normal study habits
-i seem to fight with my parents more
-i am having more trouble with friends and relationships(ie. keeping them good)
-some times i am pretty depressed due to this

what can i do? maybe i have a mental problem? (like bipolar) yes severe i knw but just asking...
Your 17, and in your senior year. Lots of changes and challenges.. like you haven't already had some?
And, it appears lost your focus in life, goals..
some things happen like a snow ball.. one thing happens , then a reaction to, and another and another.. studies, grades, parents, friends.. you understand..
So, what are you wanting out of life?
don't know?.. I suggest talking to first your guidance counselor at school.. You may not now think about college, but, if you do later change your mind and your grades aren't there, you lost opportunities. It happened to me..
Not that you still couldn't go, but, delayed is never as good as
You probably aren't bipolar.. but, if you really doubt, that causes mental anguish and worry.. So ask your parents for help.. talk to them, explain your fears and concerns.. Ask to see a family doctor for a full physical. diabetes and other conditions can sometimes have problems associated that can throw you off at times inside, where you feel unsettled .
You are going through a transition so to speak in your life from youth to adulthood . Be kind to yourself.. You'll be ok.
Sometimes too we find that the friends we thought were our friends aren't who we thought they are, or the kind of people we really want to be around or like anymore.. that's ok.. Adults too have the same happen..
You are on a path of discovery.. it is wonderful if you have the attitude of adventure and set a goal with it.. Reach out and realize the potentials you have are there if you but take hold of them. I had three children who we were told had learning disabilities out of our many we had. I taught them , that it was only a label given them, if they believed the label, they would get just as far as the label of others given.. or , they could challenge all and believe in the wonders and imagination of their souls. They all three have become very successful as the others.. One is a surgical assistant , another a CEO for a corporation, another has the biggest acct. nation wide for his company. They all have families and wonderful lives. I am very proud of them..
You are unique and special.. You can accomplish and do what ever YOU believe in you to do. Want success, in friends and family . See success first in your mind and heart..
Bring around you the kind of friends for that success. Positive influences.
You don't lose something , unless you let go. Find passion inside you.. that is in a purpose, a goal.. a dream.
I have seen dreams i never thought possible happen in my own life.. Over and over again.. I realized one day.. If you set your heart, and mind right.. anything is possible.. Be generous and kind, caring and forgiving. to others and self..
good life to you :)
no its called adolescence. dont let anyone tell you youre bipolar.

right now your glands are secreting hormones. typically adolescense is fueled with angst and fighting and struggles for independence because you are becoming a man.

theres not much you can do about it, because probably everything i wrote wont even make sense right now. so it just has to run its course basically, but everyone gioes through it.
Sounds like me a lot and I got through it. It's normal since you're gaining perspective of the world plus your hormones is raging inside you. This is the time you'll find your true friends.
My suggestions
1.Be close to God
2.Have a nice conversation with your parents. If things start to heat up try to avoid conflicts.
3.Try to study as hard as you can, it's your investment for your future.
So much changes by your senior year - friends are going to different schools, you're about to gain a whole new level of independence. All of that can impact you emotionally. I doubt you are bipolar, you'd be seeing extremes in behaviors, not just changes.

If you are depressed about the way things are, try making an appointment w/your school counselor, or ask your parents to set an appointment with your doctor to discuss seeing a therapist.

It's supposed to be a fun time in your life, but it's also very stressful - so many things ending and beginning. Be patient w/yourself.
My Husband went thru this too when he was your age. He turned to drugs and went in a very bad direction. Don't do that. Whatever you do please don't turn to drugs as the answer. Sit down and talk to to your parents about the problems. If you can't do that then talk to your guidence Counseler. Maybe they can direct you to a good therapist. Be strong. You WILL get thru this. Good luck. Amy
You have all the symptoms of a condition called 'being a normal teenager'. You're growing up and are between two stages - you're neither a child, nor an adult. Things from now on will change drastically with your life as responsibilities grow. Look forward to the changes. Experience, absorb and learn. Life is full of fun these young adult years. Enjoy yourself with those around you rather than fight with them. Your parent's support will be your most valuable asset now. Respect them!
Don't worry abt mate, usually you go through this during puberty( As this is caused due to hormone changes). If you overcome this period, then hopefully you will be fine. I went to a similar phase, you went through . And thank god I 've certainly improved. usually the problem stops at the age of around 19-20yrs of age. in the present, try to meditate, for e.g sit down close your eyes, and think about nothing for abt 10 Min's, this will hopefully make you relax, Also pray, go to church, temple, mosque, and ask GOD, to overcome this difficult period you going through, and believe me the pray will be accepted. But note you have to believe in the pray, and in yourself. Thanks. May God Bless you, and may he relive you from the problem you're going through.

I am a lazy person and I want to know how to stop it?

I was always a lazy person. What I started doing was making a list of stuff for me to do. Just odds and ends around the house, or things I wanted to do like walk around town. I would make it long and I would make myself finish everything. Very little time to sit doing nothing.
I started to be lazy but I realized I am not lazy I am just tired! and is is ok to be lazy once in awhile.
you need to motivate yourself and set goals. give yourself rewards for meeting your goals. it is also proven(i think) that you feel better when you are active!

drink some water to wake up your body and take a walk in the park to get some air and wake your mind. eggs and coffee are two good foods to give energy.
get off your *** and do something
get off your but and move the more often you do it the better you will feel
Constantly ask yourself, "Can I be making better use of my time doing something else than what I'm doing right now?"
Get up.
Just remember eventually it will be up to you whether you are able to support yourself. Now is the time to prepare for your future. Dont let this time pass you by, get busy and do something that is going to benefit you in the future. Being broke aint no fun!

I am a cutter not bad i just use it as a release. is it a bad thing i am not drinking (MUCH) or doing drugs?

I am not going for arteries here.. just a release. and no i dont want to go to a shrink
Well, let me tell you, my daughter went through this same thing and the only thing that helped her was a counselor. Not a shrink! It just helped her to talk through her problems (which were not that bad, but to her they were horrible).

You really need to talk to someone. You do realize that it is possible to accidently cut too deep and really hurt yourself.

Please find someone to talk to who will just listen and not judge. That might be all you need.
Yes, self mutilation is bad.
Yes, it is a bad thing. The cutting itself is a symptom of a much bigger problem. Hating yourself enough to mutilate is the real problem. You think that you deserve the pain because you are such a bad person, but you are not. I know it feels good to release the horrible feelings at first, but just remember, you are a good person, and you don't deserve this sort of self-loathing. Please see a doctor. You know, you may not mean to actually hurt yourself, but you may accidentally cut an artery one day. Take care of the inner pain, and the outer pain will stop as well.
please if you have only just started stop right now before you become addicted and scarred. it destroys you. trust me i kno. if you wanna talk about it, which can help, then email me. it is definitely a bad thing, and if drink is involved it could be even more dangerous, so if nothing else don't drink before or whilst cutting.

Stay safe.
Hi BJ,

Do you have any other way that you use for release? What is happening is your building up to the point where self -mutilation has become an option for you to release your anxiety.

Have you tried talking with someone counselor? Also I would look into physical activity possibly karate Japanese Karate Federation - instills self discipline allows you to learn some meditation techniques that can help in this regard.

Take care.
What is causing you so much pain? What is it that is or has happened that is causing you to release your pain this way? I understand why your question is obscure, but by writing your problem here, you are asking for help.

How do you know that you are not going for an artery? Do you know where they all are? You don't want to go to a psychiatrist, psychologist or counselor which would actually benefit you the most. You need then to find the solutions on your own. Why don't you talk and ask for help from someone who you can trust and loves you unconditionally? You may be surprised how many would want to help you. You can change it. You can work it out, you have the power, use it. Change the things in your life that need to be changed. There are lots of people who change their entire lifestyles everyday. You can too. I do hope that you can find other coping mechanisms, and get rid of the negativity. I hope you feel better very, very soon.


I hope you will listen to the people who have reached out to you here.
The first step is admitting you have a problem and need help!
The second is seeking professional help

This is important and not to be taken lightly. cutting can evolve over time into other more serious problems.

Love is the answer, Pandora
I don't know if this is something you can "just stop" You need to seek serious psychological help. I would do this right now. There is hope, I just don't think you should start in ByeDr.com. The first step is calling a professional. Good luck to you.
I'm a cutter too. Try going to theraphy...But I doubt it will help (it didnt really help for me). Try talking about your problems instead of showing them (on your arms)...IM me at soupiam@hotmail.com if you need more help or something.

*So far I've gone 1 week without cutting* lol a new record
I cut myself for years and was addicted.. even though i wanted to stop nothing would ever do it. Eventually somebody that i loved that had left me came back into my life and literally forced me to stop.. it was the only thing that could do it.
There are so many different methods that i'm not going to list but you can easily find them online.. they never worked for me, but maybe they would for you.
What i suggest is seeing a therapist. It may seem weird, people may judge you.. but in the end it will help. I'm sure you can think up of a bunch of reasons not to but chances are this is the one thing that will help if nothing else will. At least give it a try.
If you ever want to talk, about anything, please e-mail me: boironanne@hotmail.com
if you really want to stop you'll probably need the help of a psychologist and maybe the assistance of some meds. don't feel bad about yourself if you "relapse" and cut yourself again in the process. this happens. you'll also need family and friend support. i wish you a lot of luck! you are very courageous.
go see a counselor and get on mendcation for depression. and if u feel suicidal now go to emergency room and see if u can get admitted in inpatient psych unit so u can be safe and evulated .
have someone tie your hands up
First, know that you have a real and true disorder. You need to seek psychological help..immediately. This is not something you can just stop on your own. You need professional help. Good luck!
self harm.
people aspecially young people can self harm, you are not alone.
there are many reasons why someone could self harm, some do it for attention, some people may really not know why they do it, some people may have seen someone else do it or heard of it some time in their life even though they do not know this is why they do it.
If you did do or continue to self harm after reading this it is important to use clean, like if you draw blood use an anticeptic wipe, if you have ever cut try a "chicken scratch" instead that way you wont scar but you need to:
Try and talk to someone about this, an adult maybe,a youth worker or teacher maybe, someone you can trust someone you know or think will care remember they do care, a friend could be helpful for support but a friend may not have all the answers and may also be confused to why you do this, wot is important is that people do this for many different reasons. One reason could be that a person is finding something in their life difficult they find it hard their emotions, they find it hard to express their emotions, some people feel that they think by cutting themselves or what ever method you use that by doing this their pain has turned into physical some people may think this physical pain is easier to deal with than the mental pain that is going off in their head, for a moment they maybe able to let out their anger or whatever emotion and temporarily forget about a problem that maybe bothering them in their life. If you feel like you are about to self harm, force yourself not to think, think what am I thinking, you may not know what you are feeling, try picking up the phone talk to someone try talking to them how you feel verbally, some people who hurt themselves genrally find it hard to hurt others, if you feel you cannot talk to anyone get a book write write write it dosnt matter what you write. try getting paper pens felts paints anything try drawing a picture or just chucking the paint on use different colours, if you just got a pen just scribble do whatever be creative, be loud if you have to let others hear how you feel, only tell those you trust about your self harm some people can be judged for their mental health if someone at sch does not understand it they may judge you they may make you feel bad, remember these are just feelings feelings can be turned into words and not actions emotionally express yourself in any way you can cause there are many healthy ways to do it and self harm is not the way. you could get counselling even if you think it does not help go a few times anyway because they will listen they will not judge they will listen to you very carefully they probably met others who have self harmed. Try not to take any drugs or alcohol either this will not help.
seek attention, and just don't think about it! this is serius and you need medical attention
no disrespect intended but.. what would make someone want to cut themselves intentionally? or burn or strangle themselves for that matter. what purpose does it serve?

I am a caretaker , every morsel of foood that comes into this house is via my car and my effort?

doctor's appointments - me and my car , time off from work . afetr awhile it has gotten so old . the thing is ,there isnt any help . her relatives are elderly . if i vent too much , i fell guilty as hell . i never mention this in her presence . what the hell to do ??
You aren't being very clear, about who you're caring for...but, as a nurse, I can tell you caring for others is hard work. Not always are you appreciated. Some folks have hit and bit me, over the years. Some have said, "Thank you", others have said "F*ck you!". But, for the most part, I know I am making my mark on mankind...some day I'll be old, and I pray to all the spirits, that i will have someone as kind as me, to care for me in my time of need.
If you cannot handle the burdens placed upon you, then you need to find a replacement.
contact a social worker and get resources. It's not easy for you i'm sure, but it is commendable... but don't strees yourself (financially) over this, also, you could see about having a nurse or other person come in on a daily basis to help feed, change, bathe etc
Find other accomodations for her and find a new job. Im sure that your state of mind isn't good for either of you and the quality of your work probably suffers unnoticed by you...
This is going to sound corny but take comfort in knowing that you are doing something good for someone else without any compensation. You're just manning up and doing what you HAVE to do. Kudos to you. I'm sure you are an inspiration to some people/neighbors/co-workers and I'm also sure that God smiles on you for doing what you do for the people in your household.
And what is the problem? Did you not choose this line of work? Who are you to "vent" at this family anyway? You are obviously capable of seeking other employment because not just everyone can become a caregiver, there is much schooling and clinics involved.

Now, are you psycho and not registered but helping these people out and turning on them?

I do not understand how you can take a job like this and then be so pitiful.
You need to take some time ans sit down and right out your list of things you do. This incledes taking her groceries (which you are buying on your own time) to taking her to D's and such. You have probably only been hired to be there x amont of hours/day. After you have compiled your list eview it very carefully and see what you are doing that is extra. Then is the time to calmly talk to her relatives ( or herself) if she id competent. Outine what you are doing and either ask for more money for the grocery duties and stuff a or ask for time off in return for doing these things. It is not unreasonable to ask about gas money either these days. Also it might be trouble if you get in a car accident with her in your car. Your insurance company may raise a stink because you are not insured to be a "company" vechile.
It's unclear who you are giving care to and if this is a relative of yours. If this person is eligible for Medicaid and/or Medicare, she may also be eligible for a certain number of hours of home health care. Depending on her condition, a home health aide and/or home health nurse can come in on specified days to give you respite care.

Another possibilty is placement in a facility. I can't mention a specific type - rehab, skilled nursing, long-term care - because I don't know anything about the person you care for. Again, she would need coverage by Medicaid or Medicare in order to pay. Be forewarned that Medicaid pays for only 100 days a year and after that the financial burden is shared by the family.

It's perfectly normal for you to have a need to vent and to feel resentment at times. You should not feel guilty. The care should not rest on your shoulders alone.

I suggest you look into this as soon as possible as it takes times for the application process to be approved.
Are you related to this woman, or are you just a caring acquaintance? I know it can be a pain in the butt to be the only one that someone cant count on. But think of her. As you said there is noone else. Someday all you have done for her will come back your way. You are a good human being for being selfless. And if you need to vent sometimes, well you are human. Even if her relatives are elderly there is a certain amount that they could do to chip in. If one drives, have them pick her up for doctors visits, and they can have an outing together. Also there are services such as meals on wheels, and alot of people qualify for this service. They will bring meals to her when you cannot. Also there are different charities organized through certain church's that actually do chores for the elderly that cannot do them for themselves. Such as grocery shopping, personal care, (such as a hairdresser day, and clothing shopping or take them to bingo) And transportation to a from doctors visits. Contact local churches and see if these services are offered. You might get a volunteer to help you out. I personally thank you for being a responsible and kind person, if more were like you this world would be a better place.
you need to vent to a relative and say how unappreciated you feel. you need to say, "What if I didn't bring this?", "Would You?" Yeah right.. Is probably your answer. Right! How come you're the only one who cares what happens to this person? VENT,,, VENT! I'm telling you things will happen when you say Your done!

I am 5'8. how do i get shorter?

i hate bein tall.the first thing people say is .ur sooo tall i am 14 so i am not finished growin yet . i hope i dont grow any more.
haha. my friend is 5'8" and she wants to get shorter like you, same age too. seriously, im 5 foot and i hate it. 5'8" is actually pretty average for ppl. its like model perfect height.
I'm fourteen and 5"9'. Only tall people are good models. Be proud. Your lucky.
I'm 14 and I am also around 5'8 and my doctor says that I'm done growing. But unfortunately I don't think that you will become shorter until you get older and apparently you lose like an inch each year
I know you think you are too tall but in time you will so happy you are because 5 8 is not that tall. You just grew earlier than others. I know because I entered junior high as tall as I am now at my senior age, way taller than everyone else.

And with age, like my mature age, you will lose height and not want to.
First of all, you should be happy you are so tall. 5' 7" is the minimum height for top models, so you have made the cut.

Another advantage to being tall is that you can weigh more. Shorter people have less area over which to spread pounds, so they have to watch every ounce they eat. You have more room for error.

Plenty of short rich guys seek and marry taller women. Be proud of who you are! People are actually jealous!
I'm guessing you're female, since 5'8 is short for a guy. Being a 6' tall man with a 5'8 girlfriend, who is my height in her heels, I say, be happy you're tall. Just look at Rebecca Romaine. She probably hated being tall when she was your age. Now she's the woman starring in every man's fantasies. There's nothing you can do about being tall, other than embrace it. Stand tall and be proud you're on your way to being a beautiful amazon. Then focus on something more constructive. Good luck sweetheart.
start smoking...
You can't shrink yourself. However, 5'8" isn't TOO abnormally tall, so your peers will probably catch up with you to some degree. Just learn to get use to it. That's just about all you can do. You've just got to accept yourself for who you are.
You can't get shorter, but you can stop growing by drinking tons of diet coke, coffee, etc. (anything with caffiene) which stunts your growth.

btw 5'8 is pretty average I'm not sure why you think your so tall.
Its IMPOSSIBLE to get shorter but you can try to drink less milk and eat less cheese etc.! GOOD LUCK!:))
You're not going to get any shorter until you're really old and start shrinking. I'm 5'8 at 16 years old. I'm used to people calling me tall. It doesn't bother me anymore. You'll get used to it.

Being tall has it advantages!
People that make a negative comment about your height, are insecure/jealous. Our minds are funny things, when we are shorter than another person we feel somewhat insecure and small, its human nature. Some shorter people wish they were taller and get angry because they are not. Watch out, they make remarks to try and make you feel bad because they want to feel better about them selves. I know that sounds weird but its true.
Believe me im 6'3" with my shoes off, and I have experienced all of the negative remarks. Once you realise, that people sometimes insult others to make themselves feel better about who they are, these comments will no longer bother you. You will be more happy in life, if you can accept yourself as who you are, embrace your differences. Being different is far better than being a boring copy of someone else.

At 5'8" your really not that tall, so dont worry about it. When you get older you will like being "tall" and you will see that I am right about the negative remarks regarding your height, from other people.

I understand you feel out of place, but just wait a few years you will grow into your height and love it.
So many women wear high heels, just to look taller.
(Even guys do!)
I'm 5'3", but wear flats...
They have several advantages, like:
being more comfortable,
less likely to lead to injury, %26
allow your ham-strings to maintain their length.

YOU can wear flats without sacrifing looks,
while also being healthier!
You can reach things on top shelves
(that you'd always have to get a stepladder for, if shorter)!
You can see over other people's heads in auditoriums, (instead of having a view of the backs of their heads)!

Accentuate the positive!
If it bothers your friends, let THEM wear heels.
There's no valid reason to let it bother you.

Real beauty comes from within,
not from what you look like,
what you wear,
or, what height you are.
You should be proud of your tallness in this short world.
My congratulations to u that u r so lucky to have this height %26 u should be proud of that. Why do u hate to be tall ? It is a God given gift. Enjoy it. There is no way to reduce height, unfortunately.
HEY.u cannot shorten ur height anyways.A normal humans height grows till the age of 18-20.So to stop ur height from growing more.just eat a little less .and reduce calcium in ur diet...This will surely help!!Be happy with what u have..!!
It is difficult to get shorter at your age. However, u may try not to grow any more.
Eat junk food, with lack of calcium and minerals
maintain an unhealthy and inerect posture,
Remain indoors, do not go out in the open air
Do not cycle or swim, dance moderately
sleep in a crouched posture
You shouldn't get shorter - you should learn to love yourself the way you are.

Here are the lyrics to Short People

Short People got no reason
Short People got no reason
Short People got no reason
To live

They got little hands
And little eyes
And they walk around
Tellin' great big lies
They got little noses
And tiny little teeth
They wear platform shoes
On their nasty little feet

Well, I don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
Round here

Short People are just the same
As you and I
(A Fool Such As I)
All men are brothers
Until the day they die
(It's A Wonderful World)

Short People got nobody
Short People got nobody
Short People got nobody
To love

They got little baby legs
And they stand so low
You got to pick 'em up
Just to say hello
They got little cars
That got beep, beep, beep
They got little voices
Goin' peep, peep, peep
They got grubby little fingers
And dirty little minds
They're gonna get you every time
Well, I don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
Don't want no Short People
'Round here
you cant get shoter babes...b proud of ur height....my height is 5'9...and i love it..i was always complimanted by evry1 at my scol, and evn nw at work...they love my height...and i 2...atleast u r shorter then me...so b happy.

ur height ll impress a man whoevr cums in life, (if u dnt hv anybody in life)

thank god 4 wat he has given 2 u.as people hunt 4 it.

good luck babes!!

I am 36 years, am I old old enough for any thing?

I wanted to start my life all over again. but I feel I am too late for that and this really worries me. Help
I also am 36... and life is an adventure if you chose to make it one. I went back to school last summer and started a whole new career. So my friend, you can do anything you want if you allow yourself to try. The fear is the only thing holding you back. Once you push the fear aside, anything is possible. If you don't try, you may be missing out on some of the best things life could ever offer you. If you need a friend to talk to, just email me... I'd be happy to be of any help that I can.
well its never too late to try something new
no! start today!

Good luck!
hey come on its never too late for anything and u are not too old u can definately start ur life all over again the way u want to. all u need is confidence. believe your self and u will get everything just keep in mind that u can do it. all the best
Why do you think you are too late for anything...it`s a great thing too start over if your previous life style wasn`t what you liked it to be, your still young enough to do many things with your life, I think that only when you get to 50 sould you think about taking it a bit slower then befor.but until that time you can make a new life for yourself..it may not come easy but whit determination you could do anything you like.and be happy about it...hope it helps.
No, you're never too old. Have fun and try it. Who says trying new things are limited to the youngsters? I'm in my 30s and most days I feel like I'm in my 20s although the knowledge I have now I wouldn't trade. =) It's great you want to start anew. It would be more worrisome if you didn't do it and wished you had. Go for it! It's never too late. Good luck!
i started over at 40. i was a police officer and got fed up with the stupid politics so i went back to nursing school. i was amazed to see how many people there were either close to my age or older. i think you'd be surprised how many people hit the big 4-0 and decide that life hasn't turned out he way they wanted and they want to try something new. now then.. you are probably too old for an 18 yr old nymphomaniac. but then again, maybe that's just me.
Nop. You'll live life once. You can do it.
You are silly-36 is young. There are people who start their lives over again in their seventies, etc. It's all just a thought on your part that you are too old. Perhaps you are full of fear and that is what is holding you back, not your age.
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Hey, who says ur old? Kick urself if u are the one who feels it. There's a whole life ahead of you. You are very very very very VERY YOUNG!! Cheer up man, People get married at the age of 45, some start their carrer at 40. Old people realise their potential to study further at 60.Some start dreaming at 50. Then, whats the problem??All is in the head, ur head! Shake urself, Turn around and look; There are immense number of opportunities awaiting u! Go, dont feel shy, its ur life, make it LARGE. Mind u, its never late to begin again! tc
it shouldn't be about starting all over again, life is linear. you can;t just erase everything and start again. what you have to understand is that your experience and knowledge and personality shape who you are, you should take that into your advantage and yes try something new, but please don't ever think that what you have done for the past 30 so years is a waiste.

it is not late at all, it will be difficult, and demading, but if you are strong, which i am sure you are because you have taking the inital step of wanting a change (which most people fear), it will very rewarding if you stick to the change, and do the best you can do, you might not achieve your goal that you have set for yourself, but somewhere in your journey, you will have that moment of clarity and understanding of yourself and your purpose, and what you really are going after.

always beleive in yourself. it is never too late.
i am turning 20 next week. My best friend just turned 37. It took a long time for her to get her life back on track after a messed up childhood in which she turned to stripping and drugs. She now is a successul State Sales Manager. It is NEVER to late to start again, you are still young. I go to uni, there are people up in there 60's still attending! The sooner you act the better. As long as you feel you are strong enough mentally and physically - go for it!

Good Luck

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