Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am afraid of death and I am scared my fear is affecting my health. Good advice appreciated!?

The other night I started thinking about death and how all of us have to die someday. I am really scared of dying. I got so upset I couldn't sleep the whole night. Ever since then I can't stop thinking about it and I keep having this feeling that something bad is going to happen. I am scared something is going to happen to me or my mom or my sister. I have felt like there is something stuck in my throat, like a lump or something. I have talked with my Mom and she told me I shouldn't worry about it. Just try not to think of bad things, think about happy things. And that when we die we will be reunited with my grandparents in Heaven. I have never been a very religious person before. I've even questioned whether there is a God. I do think I believe in God and Heaven and I know I want to believe. I just can't get rid of this constant anxiety. I am not sure if there is some physically or mentally wrong with me. I have tried talking about it and praying but nothing has helped.
Pray... just pray that God will keep you safe. Pray for good thoughts.
I am afraid of death too, the thought freaks me out like no other, but we all do have to die someday... but when it is antagonizing me, I pray that God will keep me safe and take away any unpure and desturbing thoughts.
i had the same feelings many years ago but, this has to happen to all of us not just you. when you have kids, they will take your place on earth. the way i see death, it is a part of life and when your time comes, you will welcome it hopefully at the age where you have lived a full life.
You have the same symptoms that I had about a year ago. I worried about death and something happening to a loved one so much that I eventually went to a doctor because no matter what I did these feelings only got worse! The doctor told me I had anxienty and panic attacks and put me on a medicine called Lexapril which has dramatically changed my life all of my anxiety is gone with no side effects from the medicine. So please if there's feelings don't go away in a couple of days just go and talk to a doctor don't waste a year like I did full of worry! Good Luck!
try kabbalah.com
It is not death that is paralyzing you, but the fear of death.

Why does death seem so fearful to you? Remember that it is not the end of you. Death is simply a transition to a next stage of awareness.

You may find the following website helpful which addresses many of the doubts you have:

It sounds to me that it might be panic attacks, I have them all the time, and they are crippling to my life at times. The only advice that i can give is to try to take your mind off things by maybe watching a movie or listen to music, that helps me, I to get the lump feeling in my throat as well , no Dr. has ever been able to tell me anything except that anxiety can make swallowing harder, and that's prolly what it is. I think religion is a good idea, i would consider reading the bible more, i find it surprising relaxing. If all else fails, talk your family doctor, he may prescribe you medication, but be careful, its a long road, and most pills are now addictive, and can be hard to ween your self off, so think really hard about if it is worth it, and hopefully you can get this all behind you. Best of Luck to you.
well this may sound stupid %26 simple but ya gotta do something 2 keep ur mind off it like work or volunteer especially around elderly people- some of them have such great %26 interesting stories, u'd b surprised they just want someone 2 listen... u seem like u really miss ur grandparents but things will get betta, like they say, " it's always darkest b4 the dawn" %26 don't worry about being religious u can have ur own personal spiritual relationship with who or what u believe is the higher power/creator cuz some of those so-called religious folks r da biggest hypocrites! just b the best u can b ask 4 help when u need it %26 help others when u can! it's gonna b alright ;-)
This happens to everyone of us at some point or other in our lives. Your fear comes from the knowledge that you have no control over death! It could come at anytime to anyone! You need to accept this, not worry about things that you have no control over and concentrate on the things in your life that you can control. I know it is not easy at first to do this, but as time goes on you will learn to accept this reality of life!! there is nothing mentally wrong with you it is completely normal to have a healthy fear of death, just don't let that fear consume you. Don't listen to the people that tell you to get on drugs. Drugs will not help you to come to terms with this, only to cover up your feelings!! You can deal with this I know, millions of us have! Good luck.
Your feelings are totally normal. Everyone has fears and death is the ultimate unknown. You are not alone.

The most important thing for you to do right now is lower your anxiety levels. My favorite way to do that is to turn off the phone, shut the door, turn down the lights and lay down on the floor or the bed. You can play soft music and light a candle if you want. The goal is to slow your breath. Make sure your feet are warm, it's really hard to relax with cold feet!

Just concentrate on your breath. As anxiety levels come down, it's normal for upsetting thoughts to continue to play in your mind, you can just notice them and let them go. Your job is to keep breathing. That's what being alive is all about, right?

Most people ask the big questions about life and death at some point. It is true that everyone dies, but you have a long long time to enjoy that life. Personally, I like to go outside on clear night and look at the stars to remind me of where everything came from and how everything is related. Death is a mystery, absolutely. But so is life. And if you believe in Heaven, that's awesome, but I know that worrying about things out of your control can turn your life into Hell, so it's best to focus on what you CAN do. Just keep breathing. I also recommend finding a counselor or psychiatrist to talk to, it can be super helpful. Good luck.
Death is part of life. It's okay to be afraid, because a survival instinct is in all of us. Have you ever heard about this tactic?. It's called the negative affirmation technique, which means that you say it over and over whatever it is you are afraid of until you are not afraid of it anymore... it can also be used in other areas. For example: someone told you that you are so ugly. you look at yourself in the mirror and you say: Baah! Disgusting! You are so darn ugly... I can't stand looking at you!". you say it until hopefully it clicks in your head... and you go: "Wait a minute- that isn't true... I am not so bad looking at all... in fact I am quite a looker!". Try and use this technique: look at your self in the mirror and say... " I am alive, but I'm dead... I am a Zombie... a Zombie- a walking dead person, because I allow death to kill my soul before I am actually really dead. and I really like this... it's very cool- I love being a Zombie... I'm afraid of death- but I behave like I'm already dead... I am also very smart. life is good... I rather live like I'm already dead- than to make the best of my short time here on earth... my precious time here is too precious to be wasted on contributing to humanity... my life is perfect!"
We all have a fear of death, but when the fear starts to interfere with your life, we have to look at other causes that can cause irrational fears.

This can come about when we suffer from anxiety attacks and we are trying to change the thoughts that APPEAR to cause these attacks, yet nothing seem to change. No amount of thinking seems to wash away the fear.

This is because we are producing too much adrenaline. This hormones is the fight/flight hormones that helps us to get ready for strenuous action, when faced with danger. However in anxiety attacks there are no real external dangers in the environment. Adrenaline in this case is produced NOT because of an external threat, but rather of a biological reaction from within.

When the brain is starved of sugar it will trigger the release of stress hormones - such as adrenaline - in order to increase blood sugar levels so as to feed the brain.

Brain starvation is usually associated with insulin resistance that stops the entry of glucose into cells. This usually leads to diabetes type II, but in the prediabetic stage, blood sugar levels tend to go up an down, triggering stress hormones. In the absence of a real danger in the environment, the mind will invent an object of fear. It just happened to be the case that you were thinking of death, and now this has been firmly associated with your hormonally induced experience of fear of death. This is how "obsessions" occur, because adrenaline is also a focusing hormone forcing you to focus on anything at the expense of other events.

The non-drug treatment of anxiety attacks is going on a hypoglycemic diet as a first step in treatment under the supervision of a Nutritional Doctor or a Clinical Nutritionist.

Try the hypoglycemic diet and if this does not help see a Nutritional Doctor.
Should You Be Afraid of Death? :
- What Is Your View of Death?
- A Closer Look at Some Myths About Death

What Has Happened to Hellfire?
- What Really Is Hell?

What happens at death? http://watchtower.org/e/20010715/article...

The unknown is often more fear-inspiring than the actual facts. This holds true regarding the subject of death. Educate yourself about what it really is. Don't believe the myths.

"Make Sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine." --1 Th 5:21
This might be helpful
I am also afraid of death but I am coping now. Everyone has to die. I had the same worries as you and I can't sleep and when my parents are off to work, I worry about them being in a car accident and all. When I started worrying, It was really bad, I was always unhappy. Then I started reading the bible and watching EWTN all the time for some help in death. I know a lot but I didn't really have strong faith in it, I justt believed but I had some doubts. This is my first time answering a question so I'm gonna tell you all I know. I found out that anyone that believes (do you believe in jesus?) will have eternal life. Does your family believe? If they do, you have nothing to be worried about. I don't actually fear death, I fear a painful death. You should start watching EWTN too. They have great topics that helped me alot. So many people EVEN like death better than life. That is because they know that when they die, They go to paradise and be happy forever and you get to be with your deceased relatives and see God! See? Nothing to worry about. If you feel this isn't great advice, (cause I think it isn't) This helped me alot too :: www.near-death.com This website tells you alot on what happens when you die and people who experienced near death events, It can give you an idea on what'll happen to you after you die. okay, I hope you don't worry, see ya
There is nothing wrong with you! You do not have some horrible physical or mental problem that is causing you to have the fear of leaving this world. You might answer a few questions to identify the root of the fear. What exactly are you afraid of? Do you have unsettled feelings for someone? Are you violating your conscience in your walk of life? You mentioned God, have you sought Him out? Have you made every effort to find the truth regarding what God has said about life and life after death? Why not collect the facts on the matter? What do you have to lose? What a great way to use the energy that is being consumed by needless anxiety! Even though this is an fast - food society some of the answers will not come as fast as your hamburger and fries. The old cliche "use your time wisely" ...it true. It allows you to direct your life in a fulfilling manner and will certainly calm the fear of death. Worked for me! I found the Lord and follow His direction. Peace be with you in answering the above questions!

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