Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am 22year old and i am so tense because of my stammering problem.what sould i do to remove this problem.?

a speach therapist would work wonders.
just talk slower. and you probably wont stammer so much.
nothing! just be happy with who you are! I believe that there is a new medicine out that can help you. you should ask the doctor. you could just call instead of going in.
The only tried, tested and proven method is speech therapy. It takes some hard work and time but like anything that is valuable in life this is required. To look up a speech therapist in your area log onto ASHA.org. That is the American-Speech-Lanugage and Hearing Association.
stutteringhelp.org has publications for self-help if you either can't afford or can't find speech therapy services.
Universities that have speech pathology programs have clinics where one can obtain services at low, or no, cost. asha.org has speech pathologist members outside the USA. You may be able to find a therapist through their website.
Several of my uncles and cousins used to stutter. They got the book "Self Therapy for the Stutterer" from the Stuttering Foundation and worked through it step by step diligently over and over until their stuttering disappeared with the exception of times of extreme stress. You can get their book online at www.stutteringhelp.org

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