Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I hope you will listen to the people who have reached out to you here.
The first step is admitting you have a problem and need help!
The second is seeking professional help
This is important and not to be taken lightly. cutting can evolve over time into other more serious problems.
Love is the answer, Pandora
I don't know if this is something you can "just stop" You need to seek serious psychological help. I would do this right now. There is hope, I just don't think you should start in ByeDr.com. The first step is calling a professional. Good luck to you.
I'm a cutter too. Try going to theraphy...But I doubt it will help (it didnt really help for me). Try talking about your problems instead of showing them (on your arms)...IM me at soupiam@hotmail.com if you need more help or something.
*So far I've gone 1 week without cutting* lol a new record
I cut myself for years and was addicted.. even though i wanted to stop nothing would ever do it. Eventually somebody that i loved that had left me came back into my life and literally forced me to stop.. it was the only thing that could do it.
There are so many different methods that i'm not going to list but you can easily find them online.. they never worked for me, but maybe they would for you.
What i suggest is seeing a therapist. It may seem weird, people may judge you.. but in the end it will help. I'm sure you can think up of a bunch of reasons not to but chances are this is the one thing that will help if nothing else will. At least give it a try.
If you ever want to talk, about anything, please e-mail me: boironanne@hotmail.com
if you really want to stop you'll probably need the help of a psychologist and maybe the assistance of some meds. don't feel bad about yourself if you "relapse" and cut yourself again in the process. this happens. you'll also need family and friend support. i wish you a lot of luck! you are very courageous.
go see a counselor and get on mendcation for depression. and if u feel suicidal now go to emergency room and see if u can get admitted in inpatient psych unit so u can be safe and evulated .
have someone tie your hands up
First, know that you have a real and true disorder. You need to seek psychological help..immediately. This is not something you can just stop on your own. You need professional help. Good luck!
self harm.
people aspecially young people can self harm, you are not alone.
there are many reasons why someone could self harm, some do it for attention, some people may really not know why they do it, some people may have seen someone else do it or heard of it some time in their life even though they do not know this is why they do it.
If you did do or continue to self harm after reading this it is important to use clean, like if you draw blood use an anticeptic wipe, if you have ever cut try a "chicken scratch" instead that way you wont scar but you need to:
Try and talk to someone about this, an adult maybe,a youth worker or teacher maybe, someone you can trust someone you know or think will care remember they do care, a friend could be helpful for support but a friend may not have all the answers and may also be confused to why you do this, wot is important is that people do this for many different reasons. One reason could be that a person is finding something in their life difficult they find it hard their emotions, they find it hard to express their emotions, some people feel that they think by cutting themselves or what ever method you use that by doing this their pain has turned into physical some people may think this physical pain is easier to deal with than the mental pain that is going off in their head, for a moment they maybe able to let out their anger or whatever emotion and temporarily forget about a problem that maybe bothering them in their life. If you feel like you are about to self harm, force yourself not to think, think what am I thinking, you may not know what you are feeling, try picking up the phone talk to someone try talking to them how you feel verbally, some people who hurt themselves genrally find it hard to hurt others, if you feel you cannot talk to anyone get a book write write write it dosnt matter what you write. try getting paper pens felts paints anything try drawing a picture or just chucking the paint on use different colours, if you just got a pen just scribble do whatever be creative, be loud if you have to let others hear how you feel, only tell those you trust about your self harm some people can be judged for their mental health if someone at sch does not understand it they may judge you they may make you feel bad, remember these are just feelings feelings can be turned into words and not actions emotionally express yourself in any way you can cause there are many healthy ways to do it and self harm is not the way. you could get counselling even if you think it does not help go a few times anyway because they will listen they will not judge they will listen to you very carefully they probably met others who have self harmed. Try not to take any drugs or alcohol either this will not help.
seek attention, and just don't think about it! this is serius and you need medical attention
no disrespect intended but.. what would make someone want to cut themselves intentionally? or burn or strangle themselves for that matter. what purpose does it serve?
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