Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am bipolar- am i always going to be mean and negative? i want my old self back! i want to smile more!?

i really hate being this way. it seems like it doesn't get any better. nothing i say seems to be positive-instead of seeing the good in something- i see negative. this is destroying me!and my relationship. instead of just taking my medication(now on abilify) and seeing the doctor for 15 min every so often- noq i am starting to see a therapist. i have only had 1 visit- i go again on Tuesday- we hope we can find the root of this anger and negativity. i hope we can- bc i do not see any light anywhere in this! i would rather be alone than to hang out with friends and fiance. i can think of nice things to say and to do- but i can't get through this wall that i have built up to actually show my care and my love. i can't go into a marriage feeling this way- Sept 23rd is not too far away! does anyone feel any of these things in their life? if so- how do you cope?
i really need to feel that other people can relate- bc i feel so alone in this right now.
Taking your medication and seeing a therapist is good, but one other thing that may help is getting involved with church, prayer and so on. It really has done wonders for my cousin, who was in a bad spot and now my cousin is doing great, the happiest I have ever seen him.
If you are bipolar, then you must know you will swing from happiness to sadness (sometimes so fast and sometimes will take months). this swing is pretty much a matter of brain physiology and chemicals in it. it is only slightly related to your live events, live events can push you from one side to the other.

You need to have logic control on yourself, I mean if you feel bad then you need to know if its really a bad situation or it is just your brain neurotransmitter out of balance.
Hi, im bipolar also and it sounds to me that you are having a low , meaning your having the down side to bipolar i was on abilfy for about 6 months and it seemed to make me worse but all meds work diffrently on different people, maybe you can speak to your doctor about another med. or maybe add a antidepressent, they help , im on effexor , seraqual, and klonipin, but i also have thyriod disease, it took a little while but now i feel fine no more lows or highs i seem normal which at one time i never thought I would . If i were u i would ask my doctor whats going on and ask if he /she feels u need a antidepressant, HANG IN THERE U WILL FEEL BETTER!!! Good luck to you and CONGRATS TO U ON UR FUTURE WEDDING.
Few of the outsiders in life learn to be mean and petty. We all have been shunned so much we are now nice people and very honest in our words and deeds. If you have been with the winner-players and use their ways of thinking you need to stay with them. If you are a true outcast you are welcome to be a friend to the only good people on earth.
No, of course you won't always be 'mean and negative', but I do appreciate that at the moment it feels overwhelming. I'm delighted to know you are starting with therapy as well as medication. The combination of the two seems to be the best way for most people, but of course it may take a bit of time (a) to find out the best medication for you and (b) for therapy to start having an impact. Please don't give up the therapy - it can be quite frustrating for periods of time and you may feel nothing is happening, but this is just a part of the whole process.

You might like to read Kay Redfield Jamison's book "An Unquiet Mind". She is a psychiatrist who is also manic-depressive (her preferred term). I think she really lays out how it is and how good it can be.

All the very best for your forthcoming wedding - I don't think everything will be sorted by then, but with the support of someone who loves you, the years to come can be a wonderful partnership within which you can find how to be truly happy.

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