Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am babysitting this little brat he wont listen to me what should i do?

i have tryed to tell his parents and ive tryed every threat you could think of! help me please!
Stop babysitting him. Simple.
Don't babysit him anymore!
duct tape fixes everything
try to get permission from his parents to beat his ***.
five fingers to the face *****!
Get a switch, it'll work wonders. If his parents ask deny it.
tell the child dat they wont get candy if the dont stop doing what ever it is they r doing
when i used to baby site and the kids were missbehaving i would threaten to call their parents.. it usually worked.. or tell them that there parents will be very upset to hear that he is a bad little boy when they are gone..
Sorry,what did you say?
lock him in the closet.
thats what i do =) jkkkkkk
Make him respect YOU!
don't beat him up.
be patient and force your way until he does what u tell him to do. or you can tell his/her parents
REWARD HIM... Tell him that when he behaves, he'll get a sticker, or a piece of candy.. Tell him when you think he's acting great so he becomes proud of himself. In time, he'll learn what to do and what not to do.
Try a bribe , candy perhaps
If it is a little picannini and bounces up and down in his cot, try putting velcro on the ceiling.
you do have a choice-stop babysitting if you don't like the child. love works much better than threats. i wouldn't listen to you either if you called me a brat and threatened me all the time. try to have games to play or fun stuff to do. show love and you will get love in return.especially from a small child. thats all they want and have loads of it to give back.
dont threaten him. only use a threat if you can actually carry it out otherwise he learns that your threats are open and he wont take them seriously. also have a reward system. if he does something you ask him to give him a sweet. everytime he does something correct give him a sweet. or you could give him a sticker if he manages to get 10 stickers then he can have a chocolate bar oe something like that. but rewarding good behaviour works alot better than shouting at bad behaviour!
Use positive reenforcement. Bribes of ice-cream, half an hour stay up time, even a few dollars aught to do the trick. If not sit the kid down and have a little one on one chat with him.
Lock him in his room and slip food under the door until his parents get home,then take a pee on them and quit.LOL
well it seems like he is not scared of his parents so threathening to call them wouldnt work. Personally, I would pick him up and put him in his bed. I would tell him that if he didnt stop he would be put in his bedroom. or, my friends mom used to put her son in time out in the bathroom so he had no toys to play with. good luck, and dont babysit for them anymore unless they are givin you some major money!
listen just sit the kid down and tell him/or her if you dont listen to me and then say you will take away a favorite toy or tell someone who tells the little kid what to do after that just keep the kid in check.
smack him. lol j/k.. umm did you try the naughty corner. put him in a quiet corner in the house and tell him to sit there for 5-10 min. if he doesnt listen take one toy he likes away. good luck.. hope you find a way to help...
He isn't listening probably because you call him a"Brat" and threaten him. Sounds like your not good with kids, maybe a different job would be a good idea!
You don't have to baby-sit anymore. But if you want to continue just bribe him like tell him if you want candy you'll have to behave. It worked for me.
try to entertain him with long activities; such as action movies, video games. let him play on the computer, or put him in timeout. you need to let him know you are the authority. try giving him incentives to be good..such as if he listens give him a cookie, or sticker (depending on age) hope this helps...10 points please?!
It depends on how old he is and what he is doing. Send him to his room for a time-out if he is doing something that isn't allowed. Take him outside and play with him if he just has a lot of energy or play a game with him. Play a movie he likes and let him watch it. If you don't feel you can handle this, call his parents and tell them they need to come home. Don't babysit him anymore because you aren't mature enough yet.
Just say you`re not interested in babysitting for them anymore...
As much as it may piss you off, remember this sucky phrase parents always tell their kids which is indirectly aimed at something more for the babysitters... "It's your castle princess."

So yes, it's not your castle so don't care what the brat does.
kick his lil *** lol jk jk
take away something he loves and see if he listens
and it all kinda depends on how old he is
Depends on his age. Best thing to do is mostly to start listening to him. Give him attention, when he behave positive. You have to invest a lot of time an interest in a young child to win its trust
If you plan to continue sitting this or any other child, I would suggest taking a sitting class. There are some excellent ones offered ay many YMCA's and YWCA's. If you don't have one of them available, the may be some other group that offers the class.

Even the youngerst children can recognise an empty threat when they hear one. Similarly, when your voice goes up in pitch, they can sense your frustration. You cannot control anyone else when you are struggling to control yourself. Use whatever tricks you know to keep yourself calm and in control.

You are not a trainer or a parent, and it is not within the scope of your role or within your ability to teach this child anything new. You have to use the responses he already knows, and you can only learn these from the mother. Instead of complaining about his behavior, ask very pointed questions that begin, "How do you get him to..." or "How do you stop him from..." Find out what his usual schdules and routines are and follow them as closely as you can.

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