Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am at the end of my little rope and I am swinging back and forth about this?

I am trying to help a mentally ill loved one who is not willing to get help...things are escalating, but not in an emergency status.

How do I keep going.I can't turn away.
Is it time to intervene? Can you talk to a mental health professional in your area and ask questions about interventions, forced admissions, etc. Is your loved one hurting themselves or other people? Who is at risk? That may determine how much the authorities will intervene.

Apart from that, being supportive is your only option. It is up to the individual to seek help and take action. If you have tried talking to them, and they understand how their behaviour is hurting you and others that care for them, then there's not much else you can do. Ultimately we are only responsible for ourselves.

Make sure, too, that you're taking care of yourself in this stressful time. Take time out, pray, walk, exercise, or do whatever relaxes you and recharges your batteries.
you can't do it alone, and don't take the burden all alone either. I'm sure you have other relatives you can seek help with if it's really an important life or death situation. If not, there's alot of help sites and or your can go to the hospital and they can refer you to people who help with mental illnesses. They are professional and would be able to help I'm sure.
Is there someone else you can get involved too, family member, a therapist?
If things aren't emergency status yet, just do the best you can for the moment. But if you think for one second there may be a problem, it's imperative you get help for him/her. Their life is the most important thing at stake.
just to be their. see if the person . their is help lines you can call for help. tell the person that you do care very much and you want to help them.
You better get some help,are that loved one will take you right down that hole with you.Be-live me,Go talk to a priest ,preacher are how about the parents,are someone you trust,but,don't wait any longer,go to-marrow ?
You can call the police and get a court order from a judge if the person is deemed a danger to themselves or someone else. Family members often help with this because they have the evidence. Don't give up- try contacting your local chapter of NAMI for support!
I have dealt with mental health issues personally and professionally.

If I see another in an evolving crisis, I encourage them to get help, in a way that is empowering.

For example, I start off with admitting that all of us have life stresses, and it is normal to not be able to deal with everything all the time that life throws at us.

Then I share experiences where I or someone I know had a difficult time dealing with some things in their lives.

After that I encourage them to talk about their feelings in an open way, without shame or guilt.

At a certain point I stress the need for someone who is not involved intimately as a friend or family member to help them sort through their feelings and develop an empowering way to deal with stress. I note that a person as a mental health professional can often give insight or objectivity in a validating way, without taking sides but still being supportive, if they are worth their salt.

Hopefully this helps some. Good luck!
Does this person have any physical ailments--any excuse to see a medical doctor. Have the medical doctor suggest an answer.
There should be a mental orginization in your area. If you do not know of any, try calling the Department of Human Services in your area. They might suggest something. There comes a point for the mentally ill that they are not able to make any decisions and could/should be made by others, preferrably a professional.
Try to do something before it gets to an emergency state.
Good luck.
I seem to remember coming across a solution where someone went to a different doctor, pretending to have the same symptoms, and crushed the medication in a mortar %26 pestle, or dissolved it in warm water, and added it to their food. Fortunately, you are in a different country: I have no idea of the local laws, and it is just a memory. See stress at http://www.ezy-build.net. (.net.nz/~shaneris) on page 7, and practise one of the 5 relaxation techniques on page 2, daily.

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