Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to develop my skill as doctor?

how to develop my skill as doctor
are you a doc or want to be one? Surround yourself in the enviroment. Work with people on a volunteer basis etc etc.
volunteer at the free clinic
you could start off by volunteering at a hospital and go to websites to perform virtual surgery like: or .org (i cant remember)
Go to medical school.
If your a real MD, The best way to Sharpen your skills is to actually take the time out and listen to the paitents. I have Lupus and other health problems. Getting Drs to listen can be frustrating and anger inducing. I usually just walk out, I can always tell when a dr isnt listening or is disintrested or has their mind on someone or somthing else. That makes them useless. so clean out your ears and listen for the 15 minutes we have with you
Since you asked this question in mental health, I am assuming that you are a psychiatric doctor. If yes, the best thing you can do is to listen to patients. And when it comes to treatment, main stream medicine need not be the only answer and many alternative treatment options are available. So, you could at least allow them to try what suits them best and monitor their progress.
Listen, stop thinking you are a god with a prescription pad, take the advice of the patient because they are the ones feeling crappy. Don't assume anything about your patients life, lifestyle, or anything you have not asked them personally. I have been searching for a diagnosis for 15 yrs and have seen at least 20 types of doctors and have only found one that doesn't do the above ideas. He listens, tries out different diagnosis until they don't fit and he takes My advice about hte next step because I am the one on the internet EVERY nite looking up a diagnosis which he spends about 20 mins every 4 months. Don't be a Di** and you outta be fine!

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