Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to keep my mind always on focus for what I do?

Both the existing answers touch on the matter - there are times when freely flowing thoughts are important to your work but there are times when deviation from focused concentration may mean death and destruction.

If your question refers to your mind wandering (or wondering) when you need to study or complete a difficult or complex task, you need to train your mind to focus.

The most direct training methods can be found in books on meditation easily found in public libraries, usually in the zen or self-help categories.

In summary, training involves sitting still in a good posture and trying to focus on one thought or 'counting your breath' (count in-breaths, out-breaths, or both from one to ten and start over again) and staying aware of your thought.

This sounds easy but when, not if, your thoughts wander just gently return to counting. Set a time limit - some teachers suggest starting at 10 seconds and increasing daily but 10 to 15 minutes is more common to start. Try to establish a regular schedule and location if possible.

This seems paradoxical but when your thoughts wander and you return to the discipline you have chosen, you will develop improved concentration.

I do believe breaks are important in a long study session and small rewards for accomplishing a task are great reinforcement for successful work.

A quick break is to stand up with your arms at your sides and shake them. Another good type of break is to draw in a long breath and then gently blow it through pursed lips as if trying to blow out a match.

Hope this helps also.
Ever focused on a single or multiple tasks? Why sir, I believe that is impossible! It's important to be able to let your mind flow from one idea to the next at times. This breeds creativity and creativity in your work is of upmost importance. When doing something like studying for instance or some other task where creativity may be put on the on the back burners you can try to use some techniques I find helpful in my own mind and experience.

1) Talking to yourself. Sound crazy? Maybe but it works. Sometimes when I'm studying, I get very bored and want to go off and do other things, so I say, "You need to study for just a few minutes" and I tell myself why what I'm doing is important and requires concentration. Sometimes simply talking aloud. When writing papers I do this. I make lists outloud and even dictate to myself what I'm going to write.

2) Giving yourself a time limit. Tell yourself you will focus for the next 20 minutes and then you can take a break and do whatever you want.

3) Drink coffee, but not too much coffee or you won't be able to focus at all.

4) Remember to eat and sleep. If you forget to do these things, as I often do, you'll start to lose focus.

5) Much like talking to yourself, write a list in a journal perhaps, of your goals and why each goal is necessary. Keep it in mind. If it's something you don't care about, kid yourself into caring. Make a reason as to why you have to do this.
Simple. Here are some tips: 1. make a list of each day's tasks.2. Prioritize them. 3. While doing one thing do not allow your mind to be thinking of the other unfinished tasks.4. begin concentration practice by reading a short poem or story thinking about nothing else. 5. Close your eyes and meditate on soemthing, could even be the name of God you believe in.6. while meditating do not stress cose your eyelids; they must be lax and lose. 7. Never tighten your muscles or frown while trying to relax. 8. Learn a simple rule that if you feel bored and cannot be happy doing anything, all that you require is SLEEP. Hit the bed and sleep till you wake up on your own.9. If there are difficult subjects which you find difficult to understand better discuss with your friends. 10. As soon as a task is finished, make sure to remove/ strike off the item from the lust. This practice gives you confidence and a sensse of achievement. Try and report.
Don't change tasks.

Set a timer for 15 min. and do nothing else but the task at hand. If you're still motivated to continue that task, set it for 15 min. more, and so on.

Avoid caffeine. You may get a boost in motivation, but the with-drawl effects will work against your mental focus.

Sugar...Yikes! You can pretty much bank on the inability to focus if sugar, especially refined sugar, is a major part of your daily food intake.

Know your limitations. Trying to stay focused on something that isn't within your unique abilities and interests is like trying to drill out and fill your own cavities. It's for someone else to do.

As for creativity, it doesn't need focus, it just flows, so hop on the wave at it's peak and hop off when it's gone...the tide will always come again.

Water, drink it, lots of it. It helps keep the brain lubricated, enabling you to have a better capacity to concentrate.

Hope this helps.
Eliminate junk food, get tested for food allergies, supplement with B vitamins. You'd be surprised how much diet can affect your focus.
focus focus focus!!!!!

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