Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to stop yearning for death?

It depends why a person is yearning for it.

If they are sick, and in a lot of pain, they need to have a doctor's help getting rid of the pain. And they need to be with people who love them.

If they are depressed, and think that their existence in this world is more of a burden than a help, then they need to get help working on the depression. And they need to get people who love them to tell them to "stay here" and why.

If they miss someone who has died before them, and that is why they want to die, to be reunited, then they need to talk with the dead person in their minds, and listen when the dead person says to wait.

So if the person yearning for death is someone else, you can help them by telling them exactly why you want them to stay around, that you love them, and that you want them in your life. And repeat this as much as necessary.

And if the person is yourself, you need to get people around you who can do this for you.

In either situation, it is often very helpful for the person to talk to a doctor. Yearning for death always feels "right" to the person feeling it. But sometimes it is really their body's response to a true medical problem that needs attention.
i distract myself by talking to friends/family (anyone who will listen, really) and going online. if i keep thinking about my life i feel total despair and wish for death.
Wow you need to talk to your parents abitu getting you help
Seek professional help.

Yearning for can be caused by a chemical imbalance. The right medicine and therapy can stop that yearning.
accept that you are alive for a reason, a purpose...focus your energies on finding that purpose. Yearning for death is just an effort to run away from life, and that never solves a thing. Instead, engage in life, take it on and make it your life's work to discover your purpose and be successful at fulfilling that purpose.
you need to get in touch with a suicide hotline fast . i suffer from bipolar and three years ago i tried to kill myself . luckily i got caught (at the time i was so pissed i was found in time ) i went to a hospital and was in the mental ward for two weeks and they put me on meds and monitored the outcome to be sure they were right for me . a year and a half ago my brother killed himself and the pain and questions that one leaves behind can be almost too much to handle for the loved ones . if you need someone to talk to you can reach me at the addressses provided ... i would be very glad to help you ... some times a shoulder can be a godsend ...JIM
short of having an experience where your life is threatened- I think the next best thing would be to see a counselor. what i mean is, no matter how bad you think your life is, when actually faced with the reality of dying, in a traumatic event such as robbery or violent crime or maybe even terminal illness...yearning for life would more than likely take place. if you are out on your own and working- check into the employee assistance program or low cost counseling offered by state agencies. if you are living with a parent, talk to them or your guidance counselor. it doesn't always feel like it, but life is a gift. peace and blessings.
I seriously recommend taking antidepressants. Keep trying different ones and combinations. If after several months of trying you still feel this way then I don't even know what will stop it. Have you seen that documentary on IFC called "The Bridge"? I sounds like you are one of those people. That other nurse is full of crap. I feel for you buddy...I really do. I hope you find your way.
Unlike most people here who will tell you to immediately seek therapy, I am not so narrowminded.
It's a human basic to be in touch with the opposite of your "highs" that is the great times of life.

Time. That is my only answer from experience. I can't tell you it will pass, I can't tell you it won't. Time tells only.
IDon't yearn for death at my age each day is a bonus,
remember the is no afterlife just a black hole.
You may aswell yearn for it, because it's going to happen one day anyway... SOON!
try to be around positive people ones that you know are positive about life. let someone know how you feel
A lot of people don't know what they're talking about, they're idiots in other words, to suggest drugs and getting help. If you want to die, for pete sake just accept it. You wish to die. So be it. Life is actually good, just not for you. If you want to change that you can. Move to France, begin a gnome collection, become a stand up comedian, bake pies. A lot of people are depressed and yearn for death and that's perfectly normal, you shouldn't be made to feel bad about it. Or that there's anything the matter with you. Buck up, or take the easy way out, it's your choice, it's your life and we have free will to do whatever we choose to do. Being a good person can help and having a light heart, but if you are morbidly depressed, then weigh your options and decide what is best for you, but there is no reason to be morbid and suffer. No one deserves to suffer. Love yourself that much, to at least not allow yourself to suffer. And know that you will always be okay. Just tell yourself that you are okay now and you will always be okay, everything is going to be okay. Find something that you love, find things that you love. If you are still obsessed than perhaps there is a reason for it and just accept that you are a morbid human being. One word for you - Hamlet. To be or not to be. Life is a drama, a tragedy, a comedy etc. It's not such a big deal really. We all die and some people can't take life, big whop. You've made it this far and that is great enough. We are always okay and we are loved beyond our wildest dreams. Good luck friend.
you know death is a part of life we live and we die there is an after life we just don't die i often wonder what the other side is like heaven being all spiritual and not living in this flesh world so much hurt and pain and sometimes happiness Anna Nicole had a yearning for the after life and had an addiction to Marilyn Monroe and then she lost her son and she could hear him calling for her and she wanted to go to her son and she did even her brand new baby girl could not keep her here but you know life is so short the Bible describes our lives as a flower blowing in the wind you see me and now im gone try to be thankful for what you have and don't take your life God does not like that just try to stay on a positive path i haven't walked a mile in your shoes so i don't know what you have been through but just remember we could be worse
Life is not about what you don't have.
think about and cherish the deceased's life. Think about what he/she did, how he/she spreaded the fun when alive.
You're already at level 5...Dream about answering enough questions to reach level 6... Seriously, though, if you're serious, you need to talk to your family doctor.. Nothing, from anyone here on, is going to give you any kind of long term help. Someone might appease your senses for a short while, but you need a lasting sense of commitment to yearn for life and all the wonderful things it has to offer, if you just open your eyes and your mind...
Are you currently seeing a counselor? If so, have you talked about this yearning for death? Have you made a plan on how you'd go about ending your life? These are all important questions that need to be answered.

If you aren't seeing a counselor, therapist, etc., right now, please make an appointment with one this week. Promise?

Having been where I think you are now, I came to realize that it wasn't so much actual death that I wanted, it was the peace that I knew death would bring. No more pain, just peace.

My suicide attempt 2 years ago was almost successful - but not totally was I believe I was saved for moments of grace like this. So, you see, you are most definitely not alone in having these horrible feelings.

There's a really good website I'd like to suggest to you:
They are a pretty good board room that provides great emotional support.

Hope this helped you just a little.

Please hang in there. just until you see one more rainbow. I think seeing that will help give you a reason to want one more sunshine:):)

Best of Luck!

You need to first make sure you are safe while searching for an answer because yes there is an answer. Find help and a local support system. Next develop a list of goals and work toward them realizing life is not going to change over night. Hang in there and remember there are answers and relief if you seek them. You have to be willing to try/ work for __.
My suggestion is that you go to a mental health doctor.
You might need something to help you with that and therapy at the sametime.
Try to find someone close to you to help you and support you
Good Luck
First of all why do you want to die...Please seek professional help immediately
think about the beauty in life, i know it is hard right now but think about the innocence of children the beauty of the sky, the flowers, think about your family, even though you might fight or not talk to your family, maybe you do not have any family but you are loved, most people just don't say it because they always think you will be around, my sister and brother took their own life, my brother did this years ago and my sister followed the same path a few days ago, not one day goes by so far that I do not think about them, about what I could of done to have stopped this from happening, they were so young, i feel so guilty, i could of done this, i could of done that, maybe they would still be here, sometimes i feel depressed but than i realize there is always someone more down, i have to be strong for the rest of my family, please don't put anyone you know thru this, this pain will never go away
I can understand if a person is terminally ill %26 wants their pain %26 suffering to end or if a person has lost a love one, is depressed %26 tired of living, etc., then they need to seek the help of their doctor, then be referred to a professional therapist to get the help they need. Thinking about death, especially the older we get is normal, but to really yearn for it, isn't. One person decides when our time is up %26 he's a higher power than all of us.
You may never stop that yearning for death but what you need to learn to except is that you are alive and you are here because God has a purpose for putting you here it's not all about you and why your here. God has placed you here for many different reasons to help out others who are worse off than you. He has placed you here to discover what great things he has created all the bad doesn't just happen to you everyday. You attract it by the attitude you have everyday. Instead of thinking of dieing or how you want to die try focusing on how can you help out others who are worse than you and how much they want to do what your thinking about do and look at what the consequences would be if that person would do something like that how many more people (family, friends) would you be hurting also.
Most pessimistic individual crave for this path.
For life is beautiful.
Keep a posisitive mindset.
You need to talk to friends, attend a course or do some
social work.
All these would keep you occupied.
death will come in due time enjoy what you have

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