Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to manage anxiety?

Although I haven't been diagnosed, I feel like I have too much stress and anxiety. Now that school is over, i still feel anxious about little things..
my mind never turns off and after I wake up in the morning i don't feel well rested.
Do you know any alternative medicine therapies that would work for anxiety (i am not too fond of taking pills/medication)
go and get in touch with nature my friend, Is there a park or a beach near you? Go walk barefooted in either places and breathe in the air. Excercise there if you like,like brisk walk.

Meantime, yeah, eat fruits like banana and oranges. Go buy vitamin pills B2 and take the dosage.

Eat a full meal at least 2 hours before your bedtime, notice I say full meal, include your carbohydrates. Drink a glass of milk before you sleep and switch on your favourite music before you sleep.

Go get lavendar bathe salts or lavendar bath gel. It'll help you relax.

Yours is a case of an imbalance of mood due to not being in touch with nature and not taking in enough nutrients for your body...dont worry..try the above remedies and I'm sure you will be back to your old self in no time..good luck my friend :)
Excercise is one of the best.
Lay of caffiene, sugar, alchohol.
See stress %26 anxiety at ( on pages 6 %26 7.
Talk to your GP. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy will give you good strategies for dealing with anxiety. Start to journal. Become aware of your thoughts, you will be having a lot of negative thoughts that are causing the anxiety. Anxiety means your stress levels are increasing, deal with the thoughts that are causing this and everything will start to come right for you.
Exercise and avoid caffeine. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helped my anxiety a lot.
I have the same problem. I have racing thoughts constantly, especially at bedtime. I toss and turn and just can't cut my mind off. I also have a churning in my stomach, like a feeling of excitement when there is nothing happening. I'm sorry, I can't offer advice but would like you to know that I share your problem. You are not alone. However, I have been told that deep breathing techniques can help.
Good dose of exercise, no caffeine, and find peace-n-quiet atmosphere. Once you find a physical place, that is quiet, then you need to go their mentally practice clearing your mind. (I pray to clear my's gets the focus off myself)

I have found half of my anxiety is made up, in other-words when I feel anxious about something, I am reallying causing 1/2 the problem. By physically finding a quiet place away from noise (sirens, horns, street noise) and distraction (children, cell phones, etc.) where I feel safe, then closing my eyes and mentally shutting down what is anxious that does it.

I worked two weeks in a row and hardly saw my family and after spending just 2 days at Yellowstone National Park with them. No cell phone(distractions), hiking (exercise) and plenty of water I am back ready to face the job which just days before almost caused burn-out. Anxiety is something you will always deal with even after school.
Valarian root from the health food store. Also chamomile tea.Avoid white flower, sugar and caffeine
The first thing you need to do sam is to go and see your doctor to get a proper diagnosis, sometimes an overactive thyroid can cause the symptoms of anxiety, and a simple blood test can determine that! If it is anxiety then you need to discuss with your doctor what the best therapies are for you depending on the severity of your disorder. Anti-depressant medication such as Zoloft works a treat on me for my anxiety disorder, and I have been on and off for the past 5 years. Seeing a psychologist will also help to get to the root of the problem and help you deal with the issues. There are also some very good books available on helping you deal with anxiety, one author that seemed to help me was Bronwyn Fox. She has 3 books out (I think) and also cd's on meditation and mindfulness. Medication is not taboo, nor is it addictive if taken as prescribed and will help you think more clearly! Speak to your doctor. And remember there is light at the end off the tunnel. Good Luck!

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