Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to stop anxiety?

I have a tightness in my is always there. It is an anxiety that I can feel deep inside my right in my heart! It affects my ability to be calm and collected. It prevents me from being able to just sit and enjoy a book, watch a movie, enjoy a walk through a garden, or even talk to someone sometimes. I wish it would go away! Just leave me alone so I can enjoy my life! Any help?
any sort of depression can be tide over by faith in GOD and sincere prayer.

Your prayer is from your heart. Further You must have to understood the fact that God is present in our heart. This can be realised in meditation. Further we are the creation of our own destiny. As per Hindu sacred religion, we carry all good and bad deeds life after life. There is no end unless we pray for unification of self with the divineliness.
Hence there is always a possible way to complete mergence with God in this life by a simple and wonderful meditation
no caffeine at all
deep breathing helps
Let me know when you find out. I go through phases, like I am not constantly like this, but when I am, it is UNBEARABLE. Good luck!
Counseling. I used to have panic attacks. They started in high school and then continued until after college when I finally got some help. It didn't require drugs or anything, just visits with a therapist to figure out why this might be happening and learn some relaxation techniques.

It's over ten years later and although I get nervous some times I still don't get that strained feeling like I used to before getting help.
relax-take a deep breath-and please read throught this it worked for me=rst realize the source of the anxiety-what happened 3 years ago? then face it-if its not directly in your life now-chose to leave it in the past-if not then deal with it with the help of the good Lord.

Philippians 4:4-20 teaches how not to worry, to pray and to have the power to be content and rejoicing-in that state it is hard to worry=this is how I got to that point in my life-yet its still a daily choice, even moment to moment-who do u trust?=
what helped me get true security and affermation =a good feeling knowing I am doing good=believing truth=letting Jesus into my heart and serving him. Depression and feelings of insecurity came to me in my failed relationship-yet I had Jesus to comfort me-and help me through the grieving. Life isnt easy, yet Jesus says to take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy-it is just walking along side of him and letting him pull the emotional load-if we try and pull it -its too much weight, if we try and quit-the wagon hits us laging behind.

footprints poem= do what you can do and when you cant do -let Jesus carry you.

how I came to know Jesus personally=reading his loving words and trusting him
"I love you, and ask you to repent quickly of sin (even one lie), Behold I stand at your heart door and knock to come in, if you ask me in I will help you and be your friend. Revelation 3:19%2620

so I prayed "Jesus I* am sorry for my sins, come into my heart and help me, be my friend, amen."

and it happened in amazing grace, praying for you too, David
Usually, (I have found) that kind of anxiety is often triggered by fear. If you have no idea what might be causing it, I would suggest begin exercising more...Get those endorphins moving through your blood. This will help your mental state of being, and consequently help your ability to cope. Another thing you may want to look at is both caffeine and sugar consumption. Both of those can really affect your moods. All the best.
There is help! Did you know that The National Institute of Mental Health estimates more than 19 million Americans suffer from anxiety? I am also one. Calm, collected breathing, meditation, and outside acitvities can all decrease anxiety. I personally feel better talking about what is making me anxious or making a list and tackling it. If that doesn't help you should contact your primary doctor. wishin you well...
yes, no caffeine. get yourself on a set sleeping schedule (this works for me), take deep breaths (in through the nose, out through mouth), and try to do atleast 30 minutes of exercise everyday (it will help to relieve tension). cutting out caffeine for me was the biggest thing that really helped me get a grip.

however, my doc still put me on meds, i take lexapro and when i start to feel a panic attack coming on or like i am going to have a freak out session where everything "crashes" down on me, she also prescribed me xanax, which i take for those moments.
i take a hot shower mainly with the water running down my face until i feel relaxed. i also try to focus on a good memory in detail it seems to help.
My anxiety just started getting worse actually. I had mild anxiety until I started going through a divorce recently. Now my anxiety is at an all time high.

As far as remedies go, counceling, working out everyday, eating right, cutting caffiene, lots of sleep, and believe it or not, church (faith) have all been helpful in relieving my anxiety. Sometimes its really bad though and it really affects my relationships with others. That is why I set up an appointment with a psychiatrist next week to see if there are any chemical inbalances I don't know about. Maybe you should do the same. Good luck!!
you know what works really well? It sounds simplistic but take a warm bath when you feel it coming on. Light a candle or play some soothing music. Your body cannot remain keyed up because of the physiological response to the relaxing atmosphere and the warm water. Give it a try and see what you think. Also stay away from caffeine and alcohol.

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